Best Simple and Free SEO Tools to Instantly Improve Your Marketing

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I can always complete the task efficiently and faster with the best tools. It’s incredible what a great tool can make and the time required to finish the project without the help of a tool.

Speed-forward into internet-based marketing. How can you be more brilliant and more efficient using SEO?

It all starts with the proper tools.

Best Simple and Free SEO Tools

I’ve gathered a large selection of the top free SEO tools available. They all have various uses and cover a range of commonly used requirements. These tools are speedy and free to use. I hope you discover at least one (or twenty) that you could use today.

Google PageSpeed Insights

Verify the usability and speed of your website across different devices.
Limitation: None

google page speed

Input a URL, and the tool will evaluate the loading speed and performance of that URL on both mobile and desktop. The tool then evaluates your website’s performance using a score of zero to 100. It will inform you of the speed at which it loads your website based on various parameters and suggest improvement areas.

Ahrefs Webmaster Tools

Perform a technical inspection of your website
Limitations: 10,000 crawl credits per project per month


Register for Ahrefs Webmaster Tools. Check your site and also audit your site for 100+ SEO technical issues. The tool also provides suggestions for fixing the issues.

Following the audit, it offers suggestions for improving your internal linking to boost your search engine rankings.

The tool can also let you know your website’s organic keywords and the people who are linking to your site.

Answer the Public

A myriad of keyword suggestions based on one keyword
Limitation: Three free searches each day. You have to sign up for the services.

answer the public

Search for any relevant keywords and Answer the Public’s questions will an extensive list of long-tail keywords and the most frequently asked questions.

Google Analytics

Complete web statistics and search analytics
Limitation: No limitations for its use; however, the queries that send the user organic traffic will be concealed.

google analytics

It is the most effective free analytics tool on the market, and Google Analytics tracks everything you could imagine to your website, from where it is coming from, what page is receiving it, and more.

While it’s not designed solely for SEO, it’s helpful to know how much traffic you get through organic search.

But Google Analytics has since removed all information on which keywords bring you this traffic. You’ll need to combine it with a tool such as Keyword Hero to discover the reason “(not available).”

Google Search Console

A continuous analysis of your website warnings, alerts, and errors reports
Limitations: Only shows a few technical SEO problems, and the most popular 1000 backlinks, and the most popular 1,000 organic keywords.

google search consol

Google Search Console provides you with an insight into what the most popular search engine thinks about your site. It can be used to identify and correct technical issues with your site and view important SEO information like impressions, clicks, and the average rank position, submit sitemaps, and much more.

If rankings in search engines such as Bing and Yandex are essential, note that they both have their own “search console” as well.

Ahrefs’ Backlink Checker

Comprehensive link analysis
Limitations: Free for the top 100 backlinks.

Ahrefs’ Backlink Checker

Free versions of Ahrefs “Backlink Checker” displays some of the best 100 backlinks for any site or URL and how many backlinks, linking domains (links from sites that are unique) the Domain Rating (DR) along with URL Rating (UR) when applicable.

The best way to utilize the tool would be to copy-paste your competitor’s website and then look for links that could be built.

Google Ads Keyword Planner

Find out what people are searching for
Limitations: You’ll need to create an ad campaign to determine the exact volume of searches.

google ad planner

Input a keyword or a group of words into Google Keyword Planner then Google Keyword Planner will return numerous valuable stats to help you plan your keywords, such as monthly searches, competition, and even keyword suggestions you may not have thought of.

SERP Snippet Optimization Tool

A preview of how your website pages will appear in Google’s results from searches
Limitation: None

SERP Snippet Optimization Tool

Check out how your meta title and description appear in search results before publishing your website page. Mobile and desktop versions are available.

Examine for issues with truncation and correct them immediately.

Google Trends

Check the relative popularity of search results for topics
Limitations: None

google trends

Google Trends displays the most searched-for terms over time. It can be helpful in identifying seasonal changes in the search’s popularity. Compare different terms to determine their popularity in relation to time.

Ahrefs’ SEO toolbar

Find broken links or link chains that redirect non-follow hyperlinks, and on-page elements of any website
Limitations: Technical and on-page SEO features are free; however, you’ll need the Ahrefs account to view SEO metrics in the SERPs.

Ahrefs' SEO toolbar

The Ahrefs SEO toolbar is a free Chrome and Firefox extension that allows you to check for broken links, trace redirect chains, and highlight no-follow hyperlinks on any website. It also creates the on-page SEO report, which contains the website’s

  • Title
  • Word count
  • Meta description
  • Hreflang tags
  • Headers
  • OG Tags
  • Canonicals

It makes the process of analyzing any page much simpler and quicker.

If you’re connected to an account with a premium Ahrefs account, you’ll see crucial key metrics for keywords, such as CPC, search volume, and difficulty of keywords within the SERPs.

Moz Local Listing Score

Check out your local business that appears online
Limitation: This data is only accessible for 3 countries: US, Canada & UK.

Moz Local Listing Score

Moz analyzes information from over ten different sources, including Google, Yelp, and Facebook. It scores your brick-and-mortar store on the way it appears online. Results are complete with actionable corrections for inconsistencies or inaccurate listings.

Yoast SEO

Optimize your blog’s content to be indexed by search engines
Limitation: Some data limitations that you can remove by logging into the premium account.

yoast seo tools

Enter the primary keyword for your blog article. Then, Yoast SEO will suggest how you can tweak it to make it more suitable for search engines.

JSON-LD Schema Generator for SEO

Modify your website’s pages to present in results page.
Limitations: None

JSON-LD Schema Generator for SEO

Create a custom code to ensure the reviews of your events, organizations, and individuals are presented in the way you would like in the Google search results for searches. After you’ve developed your schema’s code, simply copy it and paste it onto your site.

Then, you may utilize the above tool to verify that the procedure was executed right.

Classy Schema Structured Data Viewer

Check structured data you provided was created in a correct manner
Limitation: None

Classy Schema Structured Data Viewer

Make sure to double-check that you’re using SEO’s technical elements of SEO correctly. Utilize this tool to determine the extent to which your schema markup/structured data was perfectly done.


Site stats are available on any site

Limitations: You’ll need a paid account to view every information point. However, it’s sufficient enough to see a quick snapshot of the activity of your competition.


The above tool may be utilize to calculate the number of traffic a site receives. Find an overview of the sources of traffic and locations and others—an excellent tool to conduct a study of competitors.

SERP Robot

Find out your rank with up to five keywords
Limitations: None

serp robot

You can enter any website or page and up to five keywords to determine how you rank for each one. Examine your competitors’ rankings as well.

XML Sitemaps

Create a sitemap
Limitation: Free up to 500 pages.

xml sitemap

Simply enter the URL of your website along with some additional parameters. XML Sitemaps will produce the sitemap you can add to Bing Webmaster Tools and Google Search Console.

Robots.txt Generator

Create a robots.txt for your website
Limitation: None

Robots.txt Generator

Robots.txt files let web robots know what to do with web page pages. When a webpage is disallowed in robots.txt, it is an instruction that tells the robots to bypass those pages.


Check for duplicate content
Limitations: Only the top 10 results are displayed.


Enter the URL of an article or a website to get a copy of the URL, and Copyscape will tell you where the content can be found online. There may be results that you have to follow up with to get your SEO up and running.

Google Alerts

Be notified of all online references to your name or product
Limitation: None

google alerts

Enter your company, brand, or product’s name, and Google can send you an email when it discovers any website that mentions the terms.

Screaming Frog SEO Log File Analyser File

Upload and examine the log file
Limitation: Up to 1,000 lines.

Screaming Frog SEO Log File Analyser File

If you’re curious to know the activities that Googlebot does on your website, it is possible to look at your website’s log file. The Screaming Frog SEO Log File Analyzer lets you analyze your log files at no cost.

Exploding Topics

Explore the latest trends
Limitations: None

Exploding Topics

SEOs typically target subjects with large search volumes. However, this means they must target those topics that are already well-known. Imagine if it was possible to discover and target specific topics before they become mainstream.

Make use of this tool to complete the task.

The Hreflang Tags Generator Tool

This Tool will create hreflang tags for your multi-language/multi-country site
Limitations: None

The Hreflang Tags Generator Tool

If your website targets different countries or languages, setting up the hreflang tags properly is necessary. However, it’s straightforward to make mistakes and cause problems for your site.

Input the address of your site along with the language and country of the URL. The tool will create the necessary Hreflang annotations for you.

Keyword Surfer

CPC data and Search volumes in the search results
Limitations: None

Keyword Surfer

Get this no-cost Chrome extension, and after that you can look up the search volume as well as CPC information for any keywords you enter in Google.

There are also suggestions for keyword phrases relevant to the query you are trying to find.

Google’s Test for Mobile-Friendly

This tool will help to findout your site is mobile-friendly or not 
Limitations: None

Google's Test for Mobile-Friendly

Just input any URL you want then the program will tell you whether or not it’s mobile-friendly. The will tell you the problem and what you should do to correct it.

Website Authority Checker

This tool will check your Website’s Domain Rating
Limitations: None

Website Authority Checker

In this tool enter your URL, and then check your site’s Domain Rating (DR). In general, the greater the number, the more trustworthy your website is.

A greater DR has been proven to be positively associated with an overall favorable Google ranking.

the Whitespark’s review link generator for Google

Create a URL for customers to leave reviews about your company on Google


Customer reviews are crucial to local SEO goals. This tool allows you to create an easily shareable URL for your customers to leave reviews about your business on Google.

Final Thought

The task of putting together a list of free SEO tools is a difficult task. There are a lot of them! I’m picking the ones we’ve found helpful here and those you can access on the internet in a matter of moments to get fantastic insight.

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