Best Popular Posts Plugins for WordPress in 2023

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You’ve likely heard the word, “Content is king,” and having a substantial collection of content is generally considered positive. But the more content you have posted on your site, the harder it is for users to locate your top work.

In the worst-case scenario, the visitors quit your website without seeing your keystone content. One solution is to present an index of your top content so visitors can easily locate them. There are many plugins available to assist you in implementing this feature on your website.

This article will look at six of the most popular post plugins on the market. Before we start, we’ll review the most popular plugins for posts in more detail and then discuss the best way to pick a reliable option.

Let’s plunge in!

An Introduction to Popular Posts Plugins

A “popular posts” plugin does exactly what it claims on the Tin. It’s a WordPress plugin that displays the list of the most popular posts on your blog. The list is usually displayed as a widget in the website’s sidebar. However, it can be embedded directly in pages.

The purpose behind showing your most popular blog posts is to help people who visit your website locate the posts. As your blog archives expand in size, it can be difficult for newcomers on your site to find your top content, and the ability to display your top posts visibly can go a long way to solving the issue.

There are several plugins available on the market that can show a variety of lists of posts. One of the most popular is”related posts” or the “related post” list, which lists posts in an identical category to the content displayed.

Compared to these plugins, Popular posts will ensure that your top content is presented on each page, boosting the likelihood of the user going to the page to read it. Popular posts may offer more opportunities to engage readers (for instance, by capturing email addresses to add to your newsletter).

How to Choose a Popular Posts Plugin

As mentioned in the previous paragraph, numerous plugins can show the most popular post list. That being said that choosing the right one can be difficult. To help narrow the focus, here are some things you should be focusing on:

  • Your budget. Naturally, your spending budget will be one of the first (and most crucial) things to consider. Although several plugins are offered for free or even with free trials, some of the most effective choices are premium. The first step is choosing whether you will pay for this feature and how much.
  • The type of content you would like to showcase. Consider whether you would like to show blog posts alone or if there could be some specific post types (like products) that you’d like to highlight. There are a few plugins that cover both.
  • What level of customization do you require? Does a basic layout of the list sufficient? Or do you need to alter your popular post list to be a part of your website’s design? You can display the list on specific pages only. The plugin options are diverse in their flexibility and the number of options available to users.
  • Easy of usage. Consider how technologically adept you are. Are you confident in navigating through several settings menus? If you are, would you wish to?

Answering these questions will significantly narrow the list of possible plugins. They were the most important selection criteria we looked at when selecting the plugins that made this list. As a matter of this, let’s take a look in greater detail right now.

The 6 Best Popular Posts Plugins for WordPress

After you know what a renowned WordPress plugin is and how to select one that’s a good match, you’re ready to decide. We’ve narrowed the options to six popular post plugins to assist you. Let’s look at them!



Jetpack is a plugin that many people have strongly held opinions about. Since it’s widespread, popular, and widely used, it makes sense to be listed in this list. After all, it does offer an extremely popular feature for posting, and there’s a high likelihood you already have installed it.

The Top Posts and Pages Widget is Jetpack’s most used post list. It can be used to accomplish the task. The list of features is quite minimal (as you might expect); however, that’s not necessarily negative.

Key Features:

  • Highly famous: There’s a good possibility you already have it in place for other uses.
  • Wide variety of additional options: You can kill two (or more) birds in one shot.
  • Simple to use, turn on the feature after which you place your widget.

Jetpack Is For You If…

…you appreciate the simplicity and have an installed plugin to access its other functions.

Pricing: Free, with paid plans beginning at $19.95 per month.

WordPress Popular Posts

wp popular post

Popular WordPress Posts is a robust and feature-rich plugin that is simple to utilize – an uncommon combination. It permits using numerous widgets and can be modified to show posts according to your overall number of views, comments, or average views daily.

Key Features:

  • Multi-widget is capable: You can place several popular widgets for posts on your website and set various settings for each widget.
  • Highly customizable: There are themes, sorting options, and the option to define the time frame for display posts.
  • Simple to set up and use With all the options for customization, the plugin is nonetheless simple to install and configure.

WordPress Popular Posts Is For You If…

…you require a powerful, user-friendly, feature-rich, flexible popular post plugin.

Price: Free

Top 10

top ten

The Top Ten is incredibly rich in features for displaying the most popular content. It even has a built-in caching feature that can be used to cache the content and its API that developers can work with. It may seem like an overkill for a simple feature, but it’s a must if you require the flexibility you need, Top 10 has it in abundance.

Key Features:

  • Packed with capabilities: You’ll be hard-pressed to find anything this plugin can’t handle.
  • The powerful admin interface: Check out your top-performing posts via WordPress’s dashboard. 
  • Expandable: Top 10 has its API and many filters, and hooks, so if you’ve some experience in programming, you can extend its capabilities however you want.

Top 10 Is For You If…

…you would like all, as well as your kitchen sink, concerning time to promote popular content on your website.

Price: Free

WP Tab Widget

wp tab widget

The WP Tab widget uses a slightly distinct approach from popular articles. Instead of picking one list concerning page views or posts, this plugin allows you to have both recent posts and tags everything in the same widget. Each section is divided into tabs that only open when you click to load, which does not slow down anything.

Key Features:

  • Tabbed Interface: It is unnecessary to pick a filtering method for your most popular blog posts since you can have the entire collection.
  • Lazy loading The content is loaded upon demand, which means the impact on performance is minimal.
  • Highly customizable A lot of options for changing the look of this widget.

WP Tab Widget Is For You If…

…you need to display several lists of posts without clogging up your sidebar.

Price: Free

Super Post


Super Post is an excellent premium, popular post plugin that offers many impressive features at an affordable price. It allows you to query for and show every post you want to display. It includes the most popular posts, but you can show posts by tagging the category, publishing date, comments, similar posts, and more.

Key Features:

  • Different query types: Display posts by popularity, number of comments, tag, category, and more.
  • Share features on blog posts: Includes buttons for sharing and rating on well-known social media platforms.
  • Custom JavaScript Support: Add additional features yourself by using JavaScript.

Super Post Is For You If…

…you require extreme flexibility, and you should appreciate the support you receive with a premium plugin.

Price: $11

Display Posts

display post

Not to be left out, Display Posts is a simple but attractive plugin that uses shortcodes to display your content instead of drag-and-drop widgets. The result is appealing and is very customizable. Additionally, there’s ample documentation to customize your well-known posts for your requirements should you like, too.

Key Features:

  • Simple implementation: The shortcodes utilized are easy to understand and logical.
  • Great documentation This developer has given tutorials on how to use different kinds of post-display.
  • Extensions support. An array of extensions for the plugin allows you to tailor it to your requirements.

Display Posts Is For You If…

…you prefer simplicity over all other things.

Price: Free

Bonus : Relevant 

relevant post

Relevant is the most popular posts plugin to be added to our list. It’s free to download and allows you to show your top post, most popular posts, related posts, and the most recent posts. The plugin is easy to use, and with its many choices, you can customize the popular posts widget immediately.

Through Relevant, you can show the most popular content before and after the content and sort content according to the number of page views and comments. If you wish to display similar posts, the plugin sorts posts according to tags, categories, titles, and meta keywords.

It also lets you provide additional information on your posts, such as date, author and reading time, the feature image, and excerpts. Apart from that, the plugin allows you to modify your title and number of articles, alter the background colours, etc.


Your most well-known content is the same way for reasons, so it is natural to call attention to it. A list of the most popular articles can assist visitors in finding the most relevant content for your website and keep them interested.

If you need a detailed listing of top blog posts, or you want a fully customizable widget you can modify to suit your website, there’s a plugin to suit you:

Jetpack is great if you already have it.

WordPress ‘ Popular Posts is extremely powerful, with a wealth of features, yet it is user-friendly.

The Top Ten offers a vast number of options and features.

The WP Tab widget allows you to display various posts in the same widget easily.

Super Post is extremely adaptable and offers superior assistance.

Display posts are ideal when you think simplicity is a desirable feature.

Do you have any questions regarding popular plugins for your blog? Tell us in the comments below!

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