What is Digital Rights Management (DRM): Explain Benifits and Challanges

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DRM or Digital Rights Management is the process to utilize the technology that controls and manages the patent material. Another DRM concept is taking ownership of content from the person who owns it and transferring it to a computer program. DRM seeks to protect the copyright owner’s rights and prevents unauthorized distribution or modification.

DRM is becoming increasingly important as digital content grows through  torrent websites, peer-to-peer file exchanges, as well as cyber-pirates. It can help media and entertainment companies to stay safe from the cyber-security issues that all businesses face, like safeguarding customer data, assuring that they comply, improving the efficiency of operations, and preventing interruptions.

DRM allows filmmakers, authors, musicians, and other content creators to control and clarify what they can do with their work. It also lets them ensure the integrity of their copyrighted content, protect the artistic and financial investment they have put into their projects, and make them unable to allow their work to be stolen or distributed illegally.

In particular, they can stop users from accessing certain assets, allowing them to avoid legal problems arising from unauthorized use. It is vital to safeguard intellectual property and copyright.

What is DRM?

The unauthorized distribution, sharing, and modifications of content are protected by copyright laws; however, monitoring the internet for illegal activities is a daunting task. DRM solves this problem by putting in place barriers to protect any digital material from becoming snatched away.

DRM usually involves using code that prevents copying content or limits the number of devices a particular product can be accessed from. Content creators can also use programs to restrict what people can do with their work or even to decrypt digital media accessible by users who have the encryption key.

It allows content creators and copyright owners to:

  • Limit or prohibit the users’ ability to edit or save their content, forward or share, print or take screenshots, and screenshots of their information or products.
  • Set expiry dates for media that block access to users past that date or limit the number of times they have access to it.
  • Limit access to media on specific gadgets, Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, or specific locations, for example, limiting access to media content to residents of the U.S. only
  • Watermark Images and documents to prove ownership and authenticity of the material.

Digital Rights Management Use Cases

DRM can protect many types of digital media, ranging from entertainment media such as music, books, and videos to subscriptions to databases, software applications, and sensitive business information.

The use of DRM to safeguard this content allows the creators of content and copyright owners to keep anyone from altering their work or using it for non-intentional purposes.

Here are some common examples of DRM used in the real world:

  • Apple iTunes: The Apple iTunes store utilizes DRM to limit the number of devices users can use to listen to music. The audio files downloaded from iTunes contain information about their purchase and use of the songs.

    The data is protected from being downloaded on unauthorized devices. Apple also secures the content stored in its iBooks store using FairPlay technology. It ensures that the books are only accessible only on iOS devices.

  • Digital music: Spotify utilizes blockchain tech to allow the payment of artists using cryptocurrency. The company that streams music has purchased the startup Mediachain to aid in identifying songs being played and which artist was the best to pay via DRM.

  • Microsoft software: Any user who installs Microsoft software, including Windows or Office software, has to sign up for the user license of the company and then enter a code before installing it.

    Microsoft also includes DRM technology known as PlayReady that secures data distribution over networks and blocks the use of software that is not authorized by Microsoft.

  • Sensitive documents: Many companies use DRM technology to protect important documents for business or sensitive information like confidential employee information such as business plans, documents, and contracts.

    DRM allows organizations to track who has viewed documents, manage access to the files, and regulate how users can access the documents. Additionally, it stops the files from being altered or duplicated, stored, or printed.

  • Regulation Compliance: DRM is crucial for assisting organizations in complying with the rules on data protection. For instance, it allows healthcare providers to comply with the standards in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

    It helps all businesses in meeting the requirements of regulations like the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and 

The Benefits of Digital Rights Management

In addition to protecting copyright holders or content owners from the dangers of copyright piracy, DRM provides several other significant benefits.

  • Copyright Education: A lot of users don’t pay focus on the copyright aspects of the media they have. DRM can help organizations communicate clearly what their customers can and can’t do using their digital media, which, in turn, helps educate users about how intellectual property and copyright operate.

  • Secure ownership: DRM is vital to assisting writers and authors in protecting their work. It allows them to save their work and stop others from altering or rebranding the content as their own. It is especially beneficial for researchers wishing to safeguard their discoveries.

  • Protecting income: The process of creating films, editing, and films, documentaries, and other types of videos costs creators money with the intention of selling their work for profit. If the content is leaked or distributed without their permission, the creators could lose money.

    DRM permits content creators to make sure only those who pay for access to their videos.

  • Appropriate content access: DRM blocks content to specific groups and restricts the content’s access to particular audiences. For instance, content designed to be viewed by people who are over 18 will only be accessible to those who are adults and can prove their age.

  • Privacy of files: DRM can help companies secure their sensitive documents and guarantee that they remain confidential. It prevents unauthorized users from accessing or reading sensitive or confidential data.

DRM Software

DRM technology can be found as hardware or software solutions. Both solutions allow content creators to stop illegal and deliberate use.

Digital asset management platforms permit companies to manage access to all copyrighted materials. They accomplish this in a variety of ways, such as:

  • Watermarks: Graphic files may be placed on assets allowing creators or copyright holders to monitor unauthorized use. The watermark is attached to a file even when you copy, modify, or convert it into a different format.

  • Metadata: Digital files are characterized by metadata that allows their copyright information and licensing details to be tracked and recorded. It is essential to keep track of licensing information for images, audio files, and videos to avoid unauthorized use.

  • Embed code: content owners can also embed their content using embed codes to regulate how and where their media is made available online. It is helpful when the license for the image expires or changes as it permits it to be modified or renewed wherever the embed code has been published online.

    It is “create one time, and make it available all over the world” (COPE), which is vital for an effective DRM strategy.

  • License agreements: Companies can safeguard their software and content by requiring that users accept and read their End-user License Agreement (EULA). A EULA is signed when a user first visits an online site, shares files, or downloads content. It assists organizations in protecting their assets from misuse.

Media and Entertainment Security Challenges

DRM is vital to safeguard digital content. However, entertainment and media companies also require robust security strategies and procedures implemented to protect their content. However, they are faced with the same challenges as everyone else, for example:

  • Protecting intellectual property: Protecting media files like music, movies, videos, contract negotiations, scripts, and cut scenes is vital for entertainment and media companies.

    It was made clear in the 

    Sony Pictures hack saw that leaked employee data and unreleased films, plans, scripts, and other documents for upcoming movies.

    The publication of this content could have a massive impact on a company’s business’s bottom line and reputation, which is why using DRM is essential to protect the content.

  • Network visibility: Many media and entertainment companies utilize modern technology to enhance customer experience. The increase in cloud, mobile, and Internet-of-Things (IoT) technology makes managing corporate networks more complex and increases companies’ attack surface.

    It is made worse by using more security tools to secure their infrastructure and create security silos that reduce visibility and create risk and inefficiency.

  • Protection of investment: Media and entertainment offerings require significant upfront investments to turn profits. Security is a priority for companies. Expenditure to safeguard this investment and reduce their risk.

  • Controlling the customer experience: Digital innovation is focused heavily on enhancing customer experience, as shown by the rapid growth of streaming, gaming online, or virtual reality.

    These services are based on safe and reliable mobile and cloud-based services, which could be negatively affected by a minor disruption in connectivity. Companies must meet customer demands to safeguard their reputations and avoid financial loss.

  • Protection of customer data: increasingly strict privacy and data protection regulations are essential to major entertainment and media businesses. They typically have millions of people’s financial and personal data, and it is crucial to ensure that the data is protected.

    They also need to ensure that they adhere to the evolving regulations without having to redeploy staff who are focused on implementing strategic initiatives.

How can DRM Software help?

Many software offers an integrated multilayered security solution that protects companies that operate in the media and entertainment industry. Their next-generation firewalls (NGFWs) ensure that organizations are protected from the most recent threats from both the outside and inside.

They also provide the highest performance in the industry through secured sockets layer (SSL) and transport layer security (TLS) inspection with extremely low latency that ensures that data is accessible at any time. 

Their  Identity and Access Management (IAM) software ensures that companies can check the authenticity of all devices and users. Their security of access to networks<span data-preserver-spaces=”true”> (NAC) technology allows organizations to keep track of devices. It means that authorized users will only access data and systems they require.


What exactly is DRM?
Digital Rights Management (DRM) can be described as the application of technology to restrict access to copyrighted content.

It also allows copyrights owners and content creators to regulate the activities in that users can access their content, like the number of devices they can access the media from and whether they can share the content.

DRM is becoming more critical in safeguarding content from the growing threat of online piracy and the illegal sharing of files on sharing services for files.

How do I enable Digital Rights Management?
Digital Rights Management (DRM) is activated using an application that encrypts digital media, including films, books, music software, video, and other copyrighted content.

It ensures that only those with the correct key can access the content and restrict users’ actions with the digital media.

Why is DRM not good? 
The most significant issue with DRM is that it could cost content creators to have their content encoded. They may also miss out on sales to customers not looking to buy content with DRM.

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