The Best Content Optimization Software in 2023

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In the last year, live websites have risen from 900 million to 1.8 billion by 2021. It is more competition, strategies for content, and 1.8 billion instances of success and failure.

What does this mean? Making your mark on the web is never more difficult.

Content marketing is growing in popularity. It’s now considered one of the best ways to improve internet visibility and drive visitors, leads and sales. But, if you’ve learned the basics of content marketing, then you’ll realize this isn’t an easy feat.

An effective strategy that has been carefully planned can’t be created overnight, and the path to success doesn’t always go in a straight line. If you’ve attempted to implement this, then you’ve likely had some bumps along the way. Your results loss could be so harrowing that you decide to give up. Perhaps, as with many others, you never began because you did not know where to start.

It is where content optimization platforms can come into the picture.

More people than previously are using these websites and harnessing their power to put themselves on the right track. 57% of marketers say creating on-page content is their top SEO technique!

As a result, we’ll walk you through some of the top SEO tools available online. Therefore, we hope that by the time we’ve completed this review, you’ll have a better chance of getting the right solution to assist you in climbing Google’s ranks and creating your mark on the internet sphere.

Before we can take this step:

What’s Content Optimization?

Content optimization is the procedure to ensure that your documents are written and formatted in a way that improves search engine rankings. If done correctly, it can dramatically increase the reach of your content.

For optimizing your content, there are some basic principles to be followed, which include:

  • Making an appealing and keyword-rich headline
  • With appropriate pictures
  • including keyword-filled meta descriptions, keywords and titles tags
  • Incorporate relevant keywords in your article’s body
  • Making sure your content is easy to read and scan
  • Congruing the content’s scope with the searcher’s intention

The list is endless…

You may think, “I can do all this myself; I don’t need optimization tools or software,” and it’s correct.

You can manage all of this by hand. If you are skilled and patient, it is possible to boost your site’s rank and achieve the desired outcomes.

If technology has learned anything from us, it can sometimes do it better.

It’s the same when it comes to content optimization software. If you choose the correct program, you’ll be able to save time and be closer to achieving your goals.

What Are The Benefits of Content Optimization?

Are you still not convinced? Let’s examine the benefits of using software for optimizing content.

  • Enhance your organic trafficThe best optimization tool will help you find terms relevant to your user’s intention. Based on Ahrefs, 90.63% of the content you publish does not receive web traffic through Google because. Only the highest results receive focus. A good keyword selection will help you get a high ranking on specific search results to draw your most targeted clients.
  • Discover and fix the issues plaguing your content: using smart technology, optimization software can identify problems with your content, such as insufficient keywords or poor SEO practices that could make your content less effective and perform effectively. Once you have this information, you can begin fixing these issues.
  • Create professional content: Content optimization software provides specific keyword suggestions and validated areas to increase confidence in you and demonstrate your knowledge to the world.

We’ve now shown you how to reap the benefits. Let’s walk through the most effective content optimization software available.

Best Content Optimization Software Tools of 2023:

SEO Surfer

seo surfer

The software for optimizing content is among the most inexpensive available. It includes everything you require to discover fresh content concepts and choose the top keywords suitable for the content.

The site also has it has a “content score” grading system. As you write your content, you’ll be able to observe how it is holding to SEO standards.

Surfer Seo’s Features:

  • Content Editor
  • Content planner
  • SERP analysis
  • SEO audits and SEO tools
  • Keyword search
  • Keyword surfer
  • Content editor extension

SEO Surfer Pricing

Three premium plans are offered, so you can increase the amount of content optimization to grow your business:

  1. Basis Plan$59 per month
  2. Pro Plan: $99 per month
  3. Business Plans:$199 per month

Who is SEO Surfer the most suited to?

SEO Surfer is designed for bloggers and small-scale businesses looking to enhance their blog web content using a low-cost and easy-to-use tool.


  • Gives tips on how you can enhance your blog in real time.
  • It provides an outline of the content, making it easy to begin your article.
  • It lists all the keywords other articles employ to get a position on Google’s results page.
  • It is easy for newbies to get started.
  • The price is reasonable compared to other software for optimizing content.
  • A 7-day trial is available for only $1.
  • The content is notified when it has been impacted by keyword over-stuffing.
  • Offers help with the structure of content.
  • If you are on the top plan, signing up multiple team members is possible.


  • A few of these suggestions can be a bit iffy regarding readability.
  • Reaching the suggested Surfer SEO content score can be challenging.
  • Keyword research tools aren’t always the most reliable.
  • A limited number of monthly searches, contingent on the plan you select.



If you’re looking to harness the potential of AI to assist you in planning your research, write, and plan your articles. MarketMuse might be the best content optimization program to help you. Calculating personalized difficulty scores by your current content, this tool highlights keywords which you may be able to achieve to gain some wins.

Additionally, the program automates the creation of outlines using natural language generation, allowing you to produce distinctive long-form content optimized to be SEO-friendly.

MarketMuse’s Features

  • Content strategy tools
  • AI Content study
  • Content optimization
  • Creation of content
  • First drafts and then final versions
  • Analysis of competitiveness

MarketMuse Pricing

MarketMuse provides four premium plans:

  1. Optimize: $79 per month
  2. Plus: $179 per month
  3. Pro: $499 per month
  4. Premium: $1,499 per month

Note: You need credits to start your drafts. Credits will be included in the Plus plan.

Which MarketMuse users are the best?

Because of its price and the advanced features available, MarketMuse is the best choice for large companies and agencies, as well as bloggers and content marketers earning lots of money via their blogs.


  • The trial period is 7 days, including all features and unlimited use.
  • It allows users to create their initial drafts
  • Provides the user with an ideal number of keywords when they compose.
  • It offers suggestions for internal and external linkage.


  • Costly due to their credit system.
  • There’s no way of evaluating the difficulty of reading your writing.




Frase is slightly different from other competitors we have had. The software isn’t only a program to optimize content but also chatbot software. However, these tools are available independently. Similar to many of its rivals, Frase uses AI to enhance your content and also help to outdo the rest of the pack.

Frase’s Key Features:

  • The outline creator creates a smart outline that is optimized to be relevant for phrases and FAQs
  • Topic analysis and content analytics in real-time 
  • Workflows for optimizing content that grows to meet the needs of your company.
  • It is possible to import content from live URLs
  • It’s possible to integrate Google Docs with Google Docs integration
  • It is possible to export your data directly into WordPress
  • The article’s due dates to your writers as well as tag your documents to show the stage at which they’re currently.

Frase’s Pricing

Frase offers three pricing plans beginning slightly less than our other choices:

  1. Basis: $44.99 a month
  2. Team$114.99 a month
  3. Enterprise: Custom Pricing

Who is Frase best to be used for?

Frase is a great choice for agency and content marketing teams. However, it’s equally suitable for anyone creating large-scale content because of the economical standard plan; it’s suitable for small and medium-sized businesses and bloggers.


  • Explains the reasons why it produced an output
  • It is easy to use along with other AI tools for writing (from Frase)
  • It can be a great time saver if you need to handle various other needs for content creation
  • Included SEO tools to boost the chances of being ranked by the search engines.
  • Rephrasing can be as long as 400 words per minute, and write whole paragraphs.
  • The highlighted words will show what phrases have altered.
  • The option to create the next sentence automatically following rewriting the previous sentences.
  • Researching questions can help you be highly ranked for featured content or voice search
  • Price plans are reasonable even for small companies.
  • Google Search Console integration
  • Automatically creates briefs of content
  • Allows users to collaborate and export the amount they wish


  • Autosave isn’t always reliable.
  • Only one slogan can be generated at the same time.
  • You have no choice but to alter your tone of voice beyond creating more formal content.
  • There are no options to expand material, decompose phrases or incorporate keywords.
  • The system is relatively brand new, and it can sometimes be glitchy.
  • It’s not as intuitive as some of its higher-priced competitors.

SEMRush’s Content Marketing Platform


If you’re already making, use of SEMrush is a no-brainer to make the switch to include content optimization too. SEMrush is equipped with an SEO writing tool that lets you modify and evaluate your content anytime using an SEO-friendly live grader.

In the end, SEMRush is also a fantastic tool to research keywords; if you want a better all-in-one tool, this could be it. However, it comes at more expensive prices than most other competitors.

SEMRush’s Key Features:

  • Research on topics
  • Graded content on the quality of readability, SEO, style of speaking, and originality of the content
  • Word count target counter 
  • The most important keywords to use
  • Post-tracking is a method of measuring the impact of your post.
  • You can improve and revise information by performing the help of a content audit.


If you wish to access SEMRush’s platform for content marketing, You must opt for either the SEMrush Guru or Business Plan.

  • Guru Plans: $229.95 monthly
  • Business Plan$449.05 per month

Who is SemRush most suitable to use?

SEMrush, an optimization tool for content, is perfect for users who are already SEMrush customers or looking for a complete solution. If you’re not using an excellent tool to research keywords and are unsure how to get one, you can take two birds off one stone by joining SEMrush. However, the cost will make this tool only for large and expanding businesses with budgets that allow the funds for this type of investment.


  • A thorough analysis of keywords
  • Affordable platform
  • Offers demographic insight
  • It identifies spammy backlinks
  • It’s a complete solution to research keywords and the software for optimizing content.
  • The software comes as an add-on to Google Docs and WordPress.
  • Highlights keywords that are stuffed with.
  • Users can access accessibility, SEO, as well as plagiarism-grading.
  • It’s loaded with all the features you need to begin the SEO and SEM campaigns.
  • Its tool for keyword research is considered to be one of the tops
  • Advises how to fix page issues.


  • There are reports of incorrect data about the amount of advertising spent
  • There is a steep learning curve to master.
  • One user can only log in.
  • Only available through SEMrush plans
  • We ask you to pay $45 per month per additional user
  • There isn’t a user-friendly interface for users
  • It’s quite costly compared to other products on the market



As a Topic, Clearscope is a search engine and optimization tool. It’s highly praised and appreciated by its users around the world. This tool lets you do keyword research, gives important analytics, and allows you to evaluate your website’s material against the best 30 results on SERP.

Clearscope’s Key Features:

  • Keyphrase research
  • It indicates the readability of your material.
  • Content optimization
  • Analysis of competitors
  • Content Management
  • Outline generator

Clearscope’s Pricing

Clearscope offers two premium plans as well as an Enterprise plan

  1. Basics $170 a month
  2. Professional $350 a month
  3. Enterprise: Custom Pricing

Who is Clearscope Best to Use?

Clearscope is a great choice for business professionals and bloggers determined to outdo their competition. It includes all the tools needed to determine what your rivals have mastered or can improve. But, due to its price, this product isn’t ideal for small businesses with smaller budgets.



As Clearscope, Dashword is a program for enhancing content. It allows users to look at competitor content and determine how to make it more effective.

It is possible to create deeper and more enjoyable content to comprehend using the grader for content. Simply type in a keyword in the search box, and Dashword creates an analysis of how you can surpass competitors’ listings on the same keywords.

Dashwood’s Features

  • Content grader, with readability Checker
  • Word Counter
  • Keywords and topic ideas
  • Analysis of competitors – You can examine the scores on competitor content and the word count
  • Dashwood includes frequently asked questions about subjects you’d like to write about.


Dashwood offers a low-cost program for newbies and a premium option to help those who want to improve their strategy for marketing content.

  • Hobby Plan$29 per month
  • Professional Plan$199 per month

Who is Dashword most suitable to use?

Dashwood is a fantastic alternative affordable for companies and bloggers who want to get their content strategies started with a tight budget.



The topic is optimizing a content program that assists you in defining your blog content. It was created specifically to assist in speeding through the research process and offer actionable insight that can optimize your blog content and help you get on the way towards the success you want to achieve.

If you go through a keyword through the algorithm, the topic reports what you must cover within your blog post. It then suggests topics, headings, and even questions to be included in your posts. The AI also creates custom H2 and H3 titles to help your use.

Topic’s Key Features:

  • Research Assistant
  • Outline creator using H2 and H3 headings suggestions
  • Content grader
  • Keyword search
  • Geo-targeting, as well as support for five different languages
  • WordPress, as well as Google Doc plugins
  • Word count calculator

Topic’s Pricing

The topic provides three pricing plans:

  1. Basic:$99 a month
  2. Plus:$199 a month
  3. Premium$299 a month

Which Topic is Best to Use?

The topic is a perfect solution for in-house and agency content teams who want to speedily develop new content briefs by using AI.

Other Free and Freemium Writing Tools for Content Optimization

Suppose you want to begin revising your web content to increase your search engine ranking but cannot afford a huge budget. Don’t worry; you can start with this software to optimize content.



Rank Math is an SEO WordPress plugin to help improve the quality of your content when you create your content. It is simple to operate, offering simple guidelines for your writing content. Many users have reported it to be a refreshing change from Yoast due to its speedy functionality and innovative options. You can use it across multiple sites at no additional cost.

It is a free trial, and premium plans begin at $59.

Yoast SEO


Yoast SEO is commonly referred to as the top WordPress SEO plugin. It is an absolute must for a lot of enterprises. It offers an SEO tool to your WordPress website to assist you in preparing it to post SEO-friendly material. The plugin works with a streetlight method. I.e. if your site hasn’t received the green signal, Yoast provides SEO recommendations to guide you towards the proper direction.

Although Yoast is a fantastic tool to optimize your website, it’s not an optimization tool for content like many other software tools we’ve discussed.

The plugin is available as a free plan. But, the premium plan that covers a single site is $89 for the year.



Grammarly is now a standard for optimizing content. It analyzes your content’s grammar and spelling and also detects typos. Additionally, Safari and Chrome extensions are readily available for you to assist in optimizing your writing regardless of the site you’re using. You can also use a Grammarly extension that works with Google Docs!

A free version and premium plans start at $11.66 monthly, including handy options like plagiarism detection.

Hemingway Editor


The Hemingway Editor is a free browser-based tool to optimize content that helps you fine-tune reading comprehension. The tool isn’t as focused on SEO. But, Hemingway successfully marks difficult-to-read terms, unnecessarily complicated words and passive verbs. Also, it offers recommendations on when to leave out terms or choose a substitute.

Plagiarism Detector

plagiarism checker

It is possible to use this program to determine if the content you are creating has been formulated in a way that is too similar to similar content on the web. It is aptly named. Plagiarism Detector rapidly checks for plagiarism. It is an essential tool to use if your existing content optimization program doesn’t have this capability. It comes with a no-cost program that allows you to check huge amounts of information.

Which Are The Best Content Optimization Platforms?

In this article, we’ve taken you through several of the most effective tools for optimizing the content available. They’re all packed with an impressive array of options and features. So, what do you choose the one that’s right for you?

We’ll find out the following:


SEOSurfer offers a user-friendly interface and is a good option for those who aren’t experienced. It’s also among the most inexpensive options that we have included on our list. Though it’s not equipped with the more sophisticated features of higher-end instruments, it’s a great fit for bloggers, small companies and other businesses seeking to enhance their blog posts using a simple instrument.


Clearscope includes add-ons for unlimitless sharing, as well as exporting. It also assigns the top opponents an overall score for content and a reading level. It is an exclusive option, and if you are looking to tackle the optimization of content seriously, then Clearscope is well worth the cost. It also has many more features that are superior to our other options. Clearscope enhances the process of grading content to a higher level and offers more insight into your own and your competition’s.


Frase NLG is what makes this platform stand apart from other platforms. It’s also easy to use and affordable, making it a great alternative for those who aren’t experienced. It also is powerful enough for more complex production operations. It’s truly a complete package with great value.

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