A Guide to Branded Video Content

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It’s no surprise that videos are an effective marketing tool for businesses. The figures are astonishing. 91% of businesses utilize videos as well as 96% of marketing professionals who utilize video report that it’s a crucial component of their overall strategy.

With more than 2 billion YouTube users every month, It’s obvious the reason!Video is extremely popular. However, just because companies make use of it and people are watching it doesn’t mean that it’s all video effective.

Video just for the sake of video isn’t enough this is the reason why smart marketers are focusing at what’s referred to as “branded video.”

What is Branded Video?

Branded videos are content for marketing that is sponsored or produced by a company that shares the values of the brand and does not directly market or endorse the brand. It is designed to make money from positive associations rather than self-promotion.

Therefore, even though branded video isn’t an advertisement or marketing campaign, it does have the same goal of encouraging audience participation (typically as a result of sales).

Looking for an illustration? Let’s think of “The Lego Movie.” Technically speaking, this is a branded video; even though it’s multi-million dollars in branded content (with very subtle product positioning), it is nevertheless a brand-named video. Cookware brands  that create dish  class promotion video.

efficiency app that distributes video interviews with fruitful company owners…promotion video. A brand for outdoor that supports people who are passionate about the outdoors to create as well as distribute videos to support the active lifestyle…you probably guessed it, the branded video.

There are a myriad of methods to go about it, but one thing is certain: those who are successful will reap the benefits.

The Benefits Of Brand-Named Video Content

With the increasing popularity of digital media, brands have to come up with new, innovative ways to engage with their clients.

Branded content can help businesses stand out from the crowd and earn the respect as well as the loyalty and (ahem) the money of prospective customers. When properly executed with a well-crafted brand, it offers the following benefits:

Non-disruptive: by contributing to the overall experience rather than interrupting the experience, brands will be less likely to cause irritation to viewers. Instead, they enhance the experience and are a part of the conversation, which is usually appreciated by viewers.

Emotional: Many branded videos are story-driven. They employ storytelling to entertain, educate or convey a brand’s values. This is a great method for brands to create lasting, authentic connections with their audience.

Engaging: With the staggering quantity of content available on the internet, many users become naive to it. But marketers who produce the type of content that their audience is looking for whether it’s amusing or entertaining videos — will capture the attention of viewers and keep viewers coming back to watch more.

Authentic: By swapping overly-salesy content for videos that are branded marketing professionals are better positioned to prove (not let) consumers that they’re “the real deal.”

It’s akin to the secret code of marketing. It allows brands to show that they’re skilled and knowledgeable enough to convince the gatekeepers (aka consumers) to allow them into.

Shareable: Except for a Super Bowl ad or a particularly relevant promotional video, viewers don’t usually share content where the brand, not the content gets the spotlight. Branded videos alter the dynamics by giving viewers an incentive to share content from a brand with their colleagues and friends.

Strategies For Creating Brand-Name Video

The sound, sight as well as the motion give an advantage right from the beginning. But there are lot of things  that went into creating promotion recordings that are compelling. There’s not a template or a magic formula (that could be too simple! ), but brands could profit from adhering to some proven best practices.

Consider the target audience first

Like any other creating content, marketing professionals need to know who they’re addressing. Without understanding the unique needs, motives, passion and desires, the brand will be unable to create effective content. No matter how appealing or slick the content may be, it will fail in the event that it fails to appeal to the most relevant people.

Don’t be afraid to outsource

With cell phones in almost every purse or pocket and the increasing acceptance of rough-cut and live videos, “producing” video content isn’t as daunting as it was.

But, numerous businesses do not have resources or the time to create branded recordings on their possess. This is why several brands partner with existing content or use agencies and freelancers, publishers and influencers to produce videos for their clients. There’s no shame in this game!

Plan to have no audio

With nearly 95% of all video being watched on smartphones, It’s not difficult to see why audio isn’t always the first choice for users. Actually, many of the major social networks have shifted to automatically playing videos with audio muted while viewers scroll through their feeds.

If you’re watching an online video in the public space or on a couch with a pal, it’s usually more courteous to simply enjoy the video without audio. While branded videos can contain audio, some companies ensure that the message is communicated even if the message isn’t heard.

They accomplish this in a variety of ways, including using subtitles, or leaning more on visual storytelling, where they simply use sound for background music or music to set the mood.

Keep what you are familiar with

The creation of branded content just simply for the sake of it will not bring marketers anywhere. So, keep in the same lane. Brands need to create content that is in line with their core values and is connected to the services, products and lifestyles they market.

Consider Red Bull, the energy drink for instance. Red Bull has an entire digital channel called Red Bull TV — specifically devoted to videos featuring branded content about extreme sports. It would be less authentic If Red Bull started a content show on knitting? We believe it would.

Do not use the CTA

Many marketers find it difficult to imagine creating videos without the use of a call-to-action (CTA). In the case of branded videos, a CTA could sabotage the selfless and effective work of art.

Although most viewers are aware that brands are still trying to sell or convince people of something, they prefer some respite from the obvious marketing funnel. Many brands opt instead to use subtle logos or product mentions and “brought to you by” messages.

Final Thought

Today, consumers hold brands to higher standards. The days of overbearing, “me-based” marketing. Companies must adapt and discover new methods, like the use of branded videos, to get the trust, attention and support of their audiences. Without this, brands only add to the volume.

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