12 Blogging For SEO Tips To Writing Blog Post That Rank On Google

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If you’ve ever had to write a blog post, you know how long it can take.

From deciding on a topic and conducting information to writing the post and hitting “Publish,” the process can take a lot of time. You can be a huge disappointment when your blog post doesn’t bring in the amount of traffic you’d hoped, and you’re disappointed.

A solution to fight the lack of website traffic is SEO or search engine optimization. We, as marketers, are always trying to write content that will get high rankings on Google, so SEO is the bridge that will aid you in reaching that goal. It raises you to consider how to integrate SEO into your content.

Do not worry; we’ve covered you. In this article, we’ll dive into 12 strategies for mastering SEO writing.

What is SEO writing?

SEO Writing is an approach to creating content that ranks top of search results, such as Google. It includes researching keywords, writing quality content that aligns with users’ intent, and enhancing your headers to make it simple to crawl your website.

2021 Search Engine Journal study found that the click-through rate for websites at the top of the SERP is 25 %. The number decreases by 15% on sites in second place and drops to 2.5%for sites in position 10. If you reach page two on Google, this number is reduced even more.

If the website is not listed on that first result page, it’s a slim possibility that users will discover your site organically. A lower number of visits to your website result in fewer opportunities to create leads, which ultimately means revenues.

Read more: The Best Content Optimization Software in 2023.

The next alternative is spending advertisements to draw those users to your website. However, it costs money, and when you’re on a limited budget, why don’t you invest some time in SEO blogging? It’s free and will likely result in visitors for a longer period than a traditional campaign.

Tips on How To Include SEO in Your Writing

Utilize headings to your advantage


Headers can help google crawlers understand the content of your blog and the content within it.

Imagine crawlers as people who are reading your blog. They’re looking for a summary of what your piece will be covering, and that’s your H1. Then, your H2s, The H3s, and the H4s are a breakdown of the various subtopics in the article.

Your subheaders should reflect the contents in the body and contain the most relevant keywords. If you choose the keywords, your readers are searching for, you have the best likelihood of being ranked on the SERP.

Make your content more attractive for feature snippets

feature snippets

Featured excerpts on Google are among the best and most precise solutions to your search questions. For example, if I look up “How do you write a blog post?” Google could use the feature snippets to provide the most appropriate solution.

Responding to the question in detail and concisely must be featured for Google.

For example, if your query is “How to screenshot on Mac,” you can use “What is The process of Take a Screenshot on a MacBook Computer” as your H1 or H2 and then be followed by all the necessary steps in the format of a numbered or bulleted list.

After you’ve completed that, you should include the entire question in your response. Following the example above, begin your paragraph by saying: “To take a screenshot on your MacBook, Here are the steps to follow. …”

In addition, you should begin every sentence by using an actionable verb such as “click” or “select.”

If the word you want to include in the featured snippet has a definition, create the answer using no more than 38 words.

Write for people, not for search engines

It can be challenging to learn in all the SEO guidelines that when a person browses Google, the search engine, they seek an answer. Creating quality blog articles is the best way to increase your chances of being ranked.

What is that like? Comprehensive responses, scannable sections, organized and arranged subheaders, and visual aids.

Keep your buyer personas and their motivations, issues, and needs in your head. It is crucial to select subjects that will appeal to prospective buyers and help them address concerns. 

While certain SEO tools can help in the technical aspect of your website, you can use SEO tools for content writing to aid you in creating clear, precise, and readable content that will get you noticed and attract users. The various tools also track engagement with content, allowing you to determine how long people stay on a page regardless of whether they’re on multiple pages or how long they are scrolling around your site.

Include keywords in your meta description

meta description

Are you including meta descriptions in your blog post? If your reply is “no,” you will likely not give your article the best exposure. Let’s look at the reason why they’re important.

In the past, we’ve spoken about a few ways a blog post can interact with Google Subheaders, Keywords, and small snippets. But it needs to be a complete list.

Meta Descriptions are another aspect that Google examines to determine the ranking of a search result. Meta descriptions are the one-to-three-sentence descriptions you’ll see under the title of a search result.

Meta descriptions are a great way to summarize your blog post. Remember to:

  • Make it brief.
  • Utilize one to two keywords.
  • Create a compelling description. Remember, there will likely be many similar posts, and you’ll need your description to stand out.

Most Content management systems(CMS) come with built-in meta description boxes; therefore, you won’t need to hunt for a way to utilize the function.

Include Alt Text to images

alt text to image[Image: Source]

You’ll need to include the alt-text when you upload any image to your blog post – body or featured images.

The alt text describes what’s happening in the photo and helps Google (and visually challenged users) understand why that photo is in the article.

Let’s say, for instance, the article is on virtual happenings, and you’ve included this image.

Its alt text should be “Businessman who attended virtual event sits at a desk while keeping a pen.”

The descriptive sentence contains the primary keyword, “virtual event.” Even if the reality is that the image is a stock image, it is possible to make a story that is in line with your blog article.

Start by researching keywords.

keyword research[Image: Source]

It’s believed that Google handles more than 70,000 search queries every second. Staggering, right?

You must focus on the phrases and keywords your potential customers seek to eliminate the SERP noise and rank ahead of your competition. In other words, how will they discover your site and content?

Begin by using Start with a Keyword research instrument. Websites like Ahrefs and Google Keyword Planner give you information on what people seek and how well-known those searches are.

For a detailed look at the ways, Ahrefs can assist in aiding in your SEO (search engine optimization) and beyond, take a look at our latest case study and a complete discussion here.

Google Trends can also provide you with an idea of what keywords are most popular at any given moment. If you notice that searches are increasing steadily for a certain term over time, it’s likely not the appropriate search term to market your business. Contrarily, this is the case for trends that are rising.

If you need more keyword ideas: Seek ideas from your competition. Utilize the competitive intelligence tools to find out the terms their domains have a high ranking for.

If the terms are pertinent to your company, consider using them. But remember that even the most obvious keywords may only sometimes match your overall strategy. Furthermore, your primary keywords will change over time when trends change, terminology shifts or the product/service line expands.

It is important to perform regular keyword research to focus on the correct keywords that will appeal to your users and take advantage of important search engine ranking opportunities.

Refrain from the urge to use the word “keyword.

The objective is to ensure that your site is fully optimized and not overbearing. Find natural and appropriate keywords for additions, but do not force them to make your text easier to read.

For instance, if the keywords are “account-based marketing,” “startups,” and “sales,” be sure to avoid a meta description that reads like”Sales for account-based marketing startups “Sales for account-based marketing startups.”

Instead, you can focus on a few keywords to make your description more natural. “Are you looking for killer strategies to boost your account-based marketing game? Discover our research-backed techniques in this post.”

This way, your content still uses keywords but not ad-hoc. You must understand that the goal is to provide a solution for your reader. If your readers experience a poor experience reading your content, it will signal to the search engine Google that your content may need to meet their expectations.

Link to sites with high authority

link building[Image: Source]

As you flesh out your blog article, feel free to include external links.

Linking to trustworthy websites offers blog readers more information to enhance their knowledge and shows search engines that you’ve done your homework.

Nothing enhances the quality of a blog article as much as research-backed data from reputable websites. Stats that are convincing help you construct an enticing and convincing argument that will increase your credibility with your audience.

You should aim for longer, scannable posts.

In this day and time of a short attention span, short blog articles are the ideal way to go. However, search engines such as Google prefer lengthy, deep blog posts.

The more article you have on your page, the high data search engines can use to discover the subject matter of your blog. At HubSpot, we’ve determined that the best duration is between 2100 to 2400 words.

The problem with longer blog posts is that they may overburden your readers. One way to avoid this is by breaking down your content into bite-sized and scannable pieces.

Make a lengthy sentence two, and keep the length of your sentences to three or fewer words.

Remember to include bullet points. They’re excellent at grabbing attention and are easily digestible, especially for mobile devices.

Link to other articles on your website

Linking to other blogs or pages on your site helps search engines create a precise sitemap. It also allows your visitors to find more of your content and establish your site as a trusted and reliable source of information.

On the other hand, for users, internal links to other useful information keep users on your website longer, decreasing bounce rates and increasing the chance of conversion. What’s not that all it’s about?

You should use natural language as the anchor text when linking to pages on your site or external sources. Avoid generic or spammy calls to action, such as “top-rated cheap laptops” or “click here.”

Instead, choose descriptive keywords to give the reader an idea of the content they will discover when they click the link, such as “Download your SEO guide.”

Don’t force feed hyperlinks to your top pages, featured products, or discounted items. Include links supporting your articles’ points and naturally connect to the topic.

Compress images to increase the loading speed of pages.

Google recognizes websites with fast loading speeds because it enhances users’ experience.

Heavy image is the main cause of slow page loading. If you’ve got several images in your article, each at or over 100KB, this can dramatically impact your site’s speed.

Some free apps, such as Squoosh.app, reduce images without compromising quality.

If you believe your poor ranking is due to slow website loading speeds, visit the Page Speed site for a free analysis and suggestions.

Design a link-building strategy.

Link creation is essential to the search results you get.

Why? Imagine search results as an event in which the winners receive more votes. Each website with a link back to your website is considered a vote for your site, making your website more credible in search engines like Google. It will increase your chances of climbing higher in the rankings.

It’s also a good idea to write content that other publications or websites will wish to hyperlink in their articles. To make your blog’s post more likeable to be linked, add high-value assets in your blog posts like original content and thought leadership.

Interviews with experts are an additional effective method of bringing people back to your website.

How to Title Blog Posts for SEO

Even with a well-written SEO-friendly body for your post, A good headline can help you in search results. 

To begin your article with SEO in mind, compose something compelling and includes the main keyword. Here are some suggestions:

  • Include numbers. E.g., “5 Best Ways to Rock a Matte Lipstick.”
  • Incorporate the details of your offer in your title. E.g., “How can we Write a Cover Letter [+ Free Template].”
  • Include a teaser. E.g., “We Tried the New [Insert App Name] App: Here’s What Happened”

You’re a pro at writing the kind of content that your audience will enjoy. Now, you need to include elements Google will appreciate too. It can appear difficult initially, but following these SEO strategies lets you quickly be on top of Google.

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