What Is a WordPress Developer & How to Become One

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WordPress is a free and open-source Centent Management System (CMS) used to create websites. A study conducted by W3 Techs indicates that 43% of websites accessible on the internet utilize WordPress.

While the software is free, many individuals employ professional WordPress developers to create high-quality websites designing and developing.

Read more: What is CMS Architecture? A Quick Reference Guide.

The article below explains the job of a WordPress developer and how to be one in just three steps.

What exactly is a WordPress Developer?

wordpress developer[Image: Source]

The WordPress consultant a form of designer for websites. They specialize in developing websites using WordPress. They also are full-stack designers, which means they can develop the back-end and front-end of a site.

A WordPress developer could be hired to improve WordPress’s capabilities in WordPress software or create the website of a specific client.

Where WordPress Consultant work?

A WordPress developer may work for a business or be an independent developer. If you are looking for freelance opportunities, various job-searching websites exist that connect WordPress developers with potential clients, for instance, WordPress Jobs (the official WordPress jobs-listing website) and Codeable.io.

There are other choice for you if you’re an aspiring WordPress developer who isn’t keen on freelancing. Some examples of companies that employ WordPress developers are software development firms, Digital marketing agencies, and software as a Service (SaaS) management companies.

WordPress Developer job Outlook for the future

WordPress has been the fastest-growing CMS over the last twelve years and has secured its position in the market [1]. The market for jobs WordPress developers make up is also growing rapidly.

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As per BLS (US Bureau of Labor Statistics), the number of jobs of digital and web developer is projected to increase by 13% from 2020 until 2030. That’s an average of 17,900 job openings per year [2].

Do you have any idea? The majority of WordPress developers are designers and developers of the web. The abilities you learn from developing into a WordPress developer will assist you in other web development positions.

What Does WordPress Developer do?

Common responsibilities for a WordPress developer are:

  • The design and development of new functions and features
  • Converting the client’s requirements into technical specifications
  • Maintaining and implementing the structure of the website
  • Writing, testing, and debugging code.

What’s the average salary of WordPress developer ?

In June 2022, Glassdoor stated that the average WordPress developer’s salary would be $64,245 annually. Additional pay, like profits and commissions, is estimated at $23,504 annually. Combining the median salary with the average amount of additional compensation will bring the total salary to WordPress developers up to $87,749 annually [3].

Similar roles

WordPress developers include web designers that specialize in WordPress technology and infrastructure. There are numerous roles identical to WordPress developers. Some examples of these jobs are:

  • Software developers: Like web developers, software developers are programmers. In addition to (or rather on) the web, they create application and computer software.
  • User experience (UX) designers: UX design is the process of coordinating the interactions between web users and different software applications. UX developers are programmers who focus on the user experience of a site or app.
  • Full-stack developers: Anyone who is a programmer, irrespective of their specialization, is full-stack if they are able to create an acceptable product independently. Full-stack developers can spot a gap in the back and front end and address them with both disciplines.
  • User interface (UI) developers: UI developers blend creativity and technical abilities to make the visual elements of a website or app.

How do you be a WordPress developer in only 3 steps?

Learn to use WordPress.

It is possible to begin using WordPress before you’ve learned the back-end and front-end development. WordPress is easy for new people and is a specific option for people who want to build a website but have yet to gain any prior programming experience.

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It is similar to how photographers are likely to buy equipment before graduating from a photography course. Learn the basics of photography and gain an understanding of the software as you learn how to handle more advanced devepolment.

Develop the necessary knowledge and skills

WordPress is well-known, largely due to the fact that it requires only a few technical skills. Professional WordPress developers need to have web development and design expertise. beneath is a list of specific of the most crucial areas for the WordPress designer to learn.

Read more: CRM vs. CMS: How to Use Both for Your Online Business.

Languages for programming. As a WordPress developer, there are four main languages you’ll need to master.

  • The first is that Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)will enable you to structure your website’s content by organizing it into footers, headers, and sidebars.
  • Then, the cascading style sheet (CSS)allows you to apply stylistic elements such as border thickness, the text’s color, and image alignment to the HTML page structure.
  • PHP (hypertext preprocessor) is the next language you need to master to aspire to be a WordPress developer. It is the scripting language used in the back-end in WordPress and 77.9 % of the websites (where the language is used) [4]
  • JavaScript is Not just an essential skill for WordPress developers, but it is also the most well-known programming languageutilized by developers worldwide [5]. It is widely used throughout WordPress development to create flexible functions.

Learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript at the same time when you earn a certificate from John Hopkins University.

Read more: How to Connect Google Analytics with WooCommerce.

Plugin development: Plugins are extensions to code that improve the features and functions of WordPress. WordPress developers create customized plugins based on the client’s needs.

Databases Management: Database management enables users to save and manage access to relevant information. WordPress makes use of the database management system known as MySQL.

Digital marketing: WordPress developers often use search engine optimization (SEO) and other digital marketing methods to boost site traffic and increase quality.

Web development and design: Because WordPress developers are heavily involved in UX and UI, They require excellent abilities in developing and designing websites. A WordPress developer’s job is to ensure that the website they design is functional as well as responsive, attractive, and accessible to all users.

Familiarity most well-known development tools: Familiarizing yourself with the most popular tools for development is beneficial regardless of what type of developer you’d like to become. Some of the most amazing tools utilized by developers worldwide include Git, Bitbucket, and Jira[6].

Make your resume more attractive

It’s essential to prove your worth as a candidate for a job, regardless of the demands of the position you’re seeking.

Education requirements for WordPress development jobs can range from a high-school diploma to a Master’s in Science or Computer Science. Education is a fantastic method to acquire the knowledge to be successful in a basic job. But other methods exist to develop knowledge and show your skills to potential employers.

Earn a Professional Certificate

certificate[Image: Source]

Another method to show your professional experience to employers is through relevant certificates. If you require assist with what to do, search job listings to find the most sought-after qualifications. For instance, a WordPress developer looking to increase their UX abilities could seek a Professional Certificate from a reputable industry professional such as Google:

Make your portfolio

Portfolios are collections of your finest work. If you’ve had experience using WordPress and web design, think about making a portfolio of the projects that most effectively showcase your technical skills. Then, you can present your portfolio and resume to employers you are considering. It’s fine if you don’t have not yet developed any portfolio for your profession.

Wrapping Up

WordPress Developer job is challanging job. It required to continuous updated in term of technology chaallange but it is very acttractive field. 

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