How to Connect Google Analytics with WooCommerce

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Connecting WooCommerce to Google Analytics (GA) is very simple, and this article will help you through the steps of integration and how important it is to track the overall performance.

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Google Analytics is the most innovative tool to help you expand and develop your business through tracking e-commerce. Let’s learn more about the most innovative tool in this comprehensive blog.

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This tutorial will show users how to set up the Google Analytics plugin for your online store site to monitor the traffic on your site; Cloudways has facilitated its customers with a better choice.

Step 1: Install the Woocommerce Google Analytics plugin plugin

Install the plugin that will help you create your Google Analytics for WooCommerce. I suggest you use the plugin designed by WooCommerce developers or the suggested plugins available on their marketplace.

I’ll use the free WooCommerce Google Analytics Integration plugin in this guide. The steps are as follows:

  • Visit your WordPress administrator dashboard.
  • Click Plugins – Add New
  • Search for “WooCommerce Google Analytics” in the search box and press Enter.

search woocommerce ga

  • Select “Install Now” to download the plugin.

connect woocommerce to ga

Once the plugin has been installed and activated, follow the prompts displayed over the list of plugins in the same window.

Simply click “Connect WooCommerce to Google Analytics” To access the plugin’splugin’s settings, where you’ll be required to input the Google Analytics ID.

Step 2: Get Your Tracking ID From Google Analytics

Then, you will go to your WordPress administration dashboard to link this setting to your GA account. You will then get the Google Analytics ID needed for the other steps.

  • Open your browser, and enter Google Analytics.
  • Go to the first link, Google Analytics’ official website, when you log in to Google Analytics. You’ll be taken onto your GA dashboard once logged in to your Google Analytics account.
  • Once you are on the GA Home Dashboard, select “Admin” in the bottom left-hand corner of the dashboard.


The next step is creating a new account or a property that relies on the GA structure. I’ve set up the new account in my Account”Create an account.

create ga account

  • Make a new property when you’ve renamed your new account.

create ga account name

In this instance, it is recommended to select Web as you’re competing with WooCommerce, a Web-based application. (Note: iOS and Android are also options, and they are a part of the creation of apps. )

choose web in ga

  • After you’ve added Web along with your website’s URL, link the WooCommerce store to GA.
  • Copy and paste your GA tracking number supplied by GA to your WordPress administration dashboard and plugin settings.

copy analytics id

  • Log into your WordPress dashboard once more.
  • Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings.
  • Paste in the GA tracker ID.

paste analytics id

Make sure to check the Enable Standard Tracking option After you’ve pasted your GA tracking ID. This way, you do not need to set up GA for any other Analytics-related behaviors (blog visits, searches, or other user behavior, etc.) across your site.

Step 3: Enable Ecommerce Settings on GA Account

It is a second vital setting you must take care of!

  • Log into Your GA account, click the options icon in the lower left corner, and then select Ecommerce Settings.

google analytics ecommerce setting

  • Make sure you enable”Enable Ecommerce” and “Enable Ecommerce” as well as “Enhanced Ecommerce Reporting” choices under the Ecommerce Settings.
  • Select to save. Save button.

ecommerce setting enable

enhance ecommerce option

  • Click on the “Save Settings” button. You’ve done it.

The store was able to be connected the store with GA within just a couple of minutes, complying with the instructions above. Monitor conversions, user behavior, return visits, customers, retention, and other crucial metrics for running your shop effectively.

Step 4: Set up WooCommerce Google Analytics PluginPlugin Settings

Let’s look at those options that you marked off or the default.

  • Use Global Site Tag

display advertising support

It is possible to enable the global tag for your site (the gtag.js framework) by selecting this checkbox to use both Google Analytics 4 and Universal Analytics.

  • Enable Standard Tracking

enable standard tracking

Check this box only If you use a different plugin that integrates GA. GA.

  • Display Advertising Network

display advertising support

If you’re considering conducting Google advertisements and want to keep track of the outcomes beyond Google’s dashboard and through the Google ads dashboard and analytics, be sure to check this option unchecked.

  • Use Enhanced Link Attribution

use enhanced link attributes

In the beginning, it is best to leave this in the dark. Enhanced Link Attribution increases the precision of your In-Page Analytics report. It can distinguish multiple hyperlinks linked to the same URL on the same page using link element IDs.

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It isn’t user-friendly and requires a comprehension of GA for you to utilize it. I’ll go over Google Analytics in-depth soon.

  • Anonymize IP Addresses

anonymize id address

When a user requests anonymization of their IP address, Analytics will then anonymize the IP address.

Anonymization is done in the first possible phase in the development of the collection system.

Analytics’ IP anonymization option within Analytics makes the final octets of IPv4 users’ IP addresses and the remaining eight bits from IPv6 addresses in zeros within a short time after they are transmitted into Analytics Collection Network. Analytics Collection Network.

  • Track 404 Page Not Found Errors

track 404 page not found error

It’s best to check this box because it lets you identify the error pages where your customers have ended up.

In this case, for instance, you might be deleting some of the items in your store and will not restock them at some point shortly. But, it’s not wise to take the time to make your page in place with an “Out of Stock” option, as people will likely want to see you restore it if it’s still there.

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You’ve removed a product, but users can still find it through Google searches, but when they click on the link, it displays the page not found error. Eh! It is not a good thing for your site. One option is to review all 404 errors or 301 redirects visitors to similar products or a catalog/shop page.

  1. Purchase Transactions

purchase transaction

To track your purchase history, it is necessary to use one or more of the top payment gateways that are available for WooCommerce, including StripeBraintree for WooCommercePayPal Checkout, and Square.

You can monitor refunds, transactions, taxes, revenues, shipping costs, and other vital financial indicators.

  • Add to Cart Events

add to cart events

When you click this option, it will allow you to track how often your customers add items to their carts, observe their behavior and determine their departure moment.

Step 5: Track Conversions in Google Analytics

The most crucial metric to keep track of without diving too deeply into Google Analytics would be tracking the conversion rate and page drop-offs.

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After setting up all the necessary settings, there is an option called Conversions within the sidebar on your left in the left-hand sidebar of your Google Analytics account. It is possible to create a particular occasion, e.g., I have set up a Black Friday event, and I’d like to keep track of results using the Google Ads channel.

track conversion in ga

Another metric to consider is the drop-off page or pages where your customers quit the website without making a purchase or finishing an order process. It is also known as “Checkout Behavior Analysis.”

If you have enhanced analytics enabled and covered in the next blog post, you will be able to view the analysis and see exactly how much drop-off you have experienced.

– Source: WooCommerce

Closing up!

Operating an online shop without keeping track of user behavior or the conversion rate of e-commerce, particularly in the case of Google Ads, is impractical, even if you are paying for Google Ads.

The integration of Google Analytics in your online shop using WooCommerce. The Google Analytics plugin can help you see what you’ve done wrong and why customers have left.

It will tell you which web pages buyers are typically leaving, the location they arrive on the website, and which strategies are bringing your most valued customers to your site so that you can concentrate more on the traffic channels that are bringing them in.

Knowing GA metrics can be a somewhat difficult task, and I’ll cover subjects like Google Analytics’ deeper insights and knowledge of metrics and the results of GA in subsequent posts.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I do to use Google Analytics for ecommerce?
Google Analytics offers important information regarding an online store’s user and traffic behavior. Experts recommend collecting data from Google Analytics and using it as the foundation for CRO tasks of the store.

Additionally, Google Analytics offers an e-commerce feature that can add relevant information to the data.

How do I add Google Analytics to WooCommerce?
It is possible to add Google Analytics to WooCommerce by doing the simple steps in the following steps:

  • WooCommerce provides a standard integration option in WooCommerce Settings > Integrations.
  • Go to the WordPress Dashboard.
  • Click PluginPlugin> Add new.
  • Look up “WooCommerce Google Analytics” at the top of the right-hand search bar.
  • Installation and enable the extension.
  • Visit WooCommerce Settings and set up the plugin.

What is the most effective WordPress plugin to use with Google Analytics?The following plugins are considered to be the top WordPress plugins available for Google Analytics:

  • MonsterInsights
  • ExactMetrics
  • Analytify
  • Enhanced Ecommerce Google Analytics plugin plugin
  • Google Analytics by 10Web
  • GA Google Analytics WP Google Analytics Events
  • WP Google Analytics Events

What is the cost of Google Analytics Pro?
It is possible to purchase Google Analytics Pro at an annual fee of $150,000.

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