The phone is one of the most common mediums of communication. It allows for faster and more personal interaction than email. It provides an opportunity for businesses to build rapport with customers.
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Voicemail greetings are recorded messages when no one can pick up a call. The greeting must be appropriate and to the point.
In this blog post, we have created a voicemail template for different settings that you can use to record voicemail greetings.
Let us begin!
Table of Contents
ToggleVoicemail Greetings
Market Trends: A study by Duthler stated that users must manage non-verbal cues when creating a voicemail.
The below figure displays the types of nonverbal communication:
Expert Advice: When calling for the first time, most users will be unsure if they have reached the correct number. You must identify yourself or your company at the start of the voicemail script.
Why Does Your Business Need Professional Voicemail Greetings
Professional voicemail greetings will create a positive impression on existing and prospective customers of your business. You might lose customers if the greetings are not courteous and professional.
Creating professional voicemail greetings will increase customers’ chances of feeling satisfied when calling customer support. In addition, professional greetings will also improve business relations that will reflect positively on your company’s bottom line.
How to Change Voicemail Greetings on Apple iPhone
You can change your voicemail greetings on your Apple iPhone by following these simple steps:
Step #1: Tap the Phone app on the Home Screen.
Step #2: Tap Voicemail and then Greetings on the upper left corner of the screen. If you use an eSim, select a line such as Primary, Secondary, or phone number.
Step #3: Tap Custom to record a new greeting
Step #4: Now, tap Record to start recording your custom voice greetings.
Step #5: Tap stop to end the recording, then tap Play to listen to the recorded message.
Step #6: Tap Save to save your recorded message.
Best Apps for Creating a Voicemail Greeting
You can use the Vxt Voicemail app and OpenPhone App to create voicemail greetings.
Vxt Voicemail is an online app that allows you to create professional voicemail greetings. The app also lets you read and play your voicemail using any device, and this app is free for personal use. The cost of business use ranges from $2.25 to $15 per month.
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OpenPhone App is a business phone app that allows you to get a US, Canadian, or any toll-free number. The app supports call recording, texting, group messaging, international calls, voicemail, and call transfers. The price of the business phone app is just $9.99 per month.
Important Elements of a Good Voicemail Message

Essential Elements of a Good Voicemail Message
Useful Tips
The first contact will likely happen on the phone. So, making a good impression when customers listen to your voicemail greetings is essential.
Here are some tips for creating a custom voicemail greeting for your customers:
Verify Your Identity
At the start of the greeting, you need to verify that the callers have dialed the correct number. You can do this by telling your name and the company’s name. It will reassure callers that they have dialed the right number.
Explain The Reason For Not Taking The Call.
The following essential elements of a voicemail greeting are why not take the call? Most customer reps are busy at the moment. While this may seem obvious, some clients may get angry if they receive a dial tone. Explaining the reason for not taking the call in a friendly tone will calm them down.
Request Information
It would be best to ask your callers to provide the information required to assist them. The obvious thing you need from the callers includes the name and number. It would help if you also asked them to explain the reason for the call briefly. It will allow customer reps to prepare themselves in responding to callers.
Give An Estimated Response Time
A good practice when creating voicemail greetings is to give an estimated response time. It would help if you told your callers the estimated time they could get a call from the customer rep. It is common practice to give 24 hours response time.
Ending Remarks
It would be best if you ended the voicemail greeting on a positive note. It is essential to thank the callers for their time in calling your company. It would be best to reassure them that your customer rep will reply soon.
Focus On Non-Verbal Cues
Non-verbal cues are essential, even on the phone. Body language impacts vocal production when making a call. You risk sounding cold and disrespectful if you frown while recording the voicemail message.
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Positive body language is essential when making a call. Your facial expression, posture, and gestures will affect the tone of your voice.
Keep a smile on your face when speaking on the phone. Smiling when talking will create a positive attitude. It will result in a more positive-sounding voice.
Sitting upright on the desk would be best when recording your voice. Speaking with a laid-back posture will result in you sounding insincere and disrespectful. An upright posture will allow your diaphragm to project your voice, clearly producing a positive impression.
List Of Voicemail Greeting Examples
Voicemail Greetings from Customer Service Phone Number
- Hello there. Welcome to [name of company]. All customer representatives are busy at the moment. Please leave your name, number, and message. We will get back to you soon. Thank you.
- Hi, you are at [name of company]. We regret to say that our customer reps are busy at the moment. Please leave your name and message after the beep. Our customer rep will connect with you soon. Thank you.
- Hi, this is [name of a customer representative] from [name of company]. I am currently helping another customer find the best product/service. Please leave a message and contact number. I will get back to you soon. Thank you, and have a nice day! Bye.
- Welcome to [name of company]. We are glad that you contacted us. No one is available right now. But don’t worry. You can leave your name and message after the beep, and our customer rep will get back to you soon. Thank you.
Voicemail Greetings for Calls Received after Business Hours
- Hello, you have reached [name of company]. We are not able to take your call at this time. Please leave your number, title, and message after the beep. Our customer rep will respond to you soon. Thank you, and have a great day.
- Hi, no one is available at the moment to take your call. Please leave your name and number after the beep. We will ensure you get a call within the next 24 hours. Thank you for your time.
- Hi, thank you for calling [name of company]. We cannot take your call at the moment. Please leave your name, number, and message after the beep. Our customer rep will contact you soon. Thank you.
- Hello, you have reached [name of company]. No one is available at the moment. But you can leave your name and phone number, and our customer rep will contact you immediately. We will make sure that our team gets back to the customer within the next 24 hours. Thank you.
Business Voicemail Greetings
- Hey, you have reached [name of company]. We cannot take your call at the moment. Please leave your name and number. I will get back to you soon. Thank you.
- Hi, thank you for calling [name of company]. I am busy at this time. Please leave your name and number. I will contact you back soon. Thank you for your time and patience. Have a nice day!
- Hello, thank you for calling [name of company]. We are sorry that no one is available at the moment. Please leave your phone number, title, and message after the beep. You can also email us at [insert email address]. We look forward to connecting with you soon. Thank you, and have a good day.
Voicemail Greetings for Business Holidays
- Hi, welcome to [insert company name]. Our office is closed today due to a public holiday. We will get back to you within the next business day. Thank you.
- Hi, thank you for calling [insert company name]. Our business is closed today due to a public holiday. Please leave a message after the beep; our staff will reply soon. Bye.
- Hi, thank you for calling [insert company name]. We are closed today due to a public holiday. Please leave a message after the beep, and our staff will contact you once the office opens after the holiday. Thank you.
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Work Voicemail Greetings
- Hello, I am [your name]. I am not at the desk at the moment. Please leave your name and number. I will get back to you soon. Thank you for your time. Bye.
- Hi there. I am [your name]. I am not at the desk at the moment. Please leave your name, number, and message. Thank you for your time and patience. Bye.
- Hi there. I am [your name]. Please leave your name, number, and message. You can also email me at [insert email address]. I will contact you soon. Thank you for your time and patience. Bye.
Vacation Voicemail Greetings
- Hi, I am currently on vacation. Leave your name and message after the beep if you have something to say. I will reply once I get back from my vacation. Bye.
- Hi, I am sorry I cannot pick up your call now. I am on vacation and will get back by [month/day]. If you have something to say, leave your message after the beep. Take care.
- Hi, I am sorry I cannot be reached at the moment. I am probably partying out or getting high with my friends. Leave your name and message after the beep if you have something meaningful.
Professional Voicemail Greetings to Keep the Conversation Going
- Hi, this is [insert name] from [name of company]. I am not able to take your call at the moment. Please leave a message after the beep. If you prefer an email, you can send your message at [insert email address]. I will get back to you soon. Best regards.
- Hi, this is [insert name] from [name of the company. I am busy at the moment. Please leave your name and message after the beep.
- I look forward to connecting with you. Thank you. Bye.
- Hello, this is [your name] from [name of company]. I cannot take your call at the moment. Please leave your name, mobile number, and reason for calling. I will contact you as soon as I can. Have a nice day!
Funny Voice Mail Greetings
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Note: You should not use these voicemail greetings if you are job hunting – or worse, about to get married – as it will leave a negative impression on the caller.
- Hello, I cannot talk to you at the moment. I will not tell you the reason for not taking your call as… it’s none of your business. Bye.
- Hi there. Thank you for calling me. Please leave your name and message after the beep. I may or may not call you back. If I do call you back, it must be something important. Otherwise, I don’t have the energy to waste my breath on trivial matters. Bye.
- Hi, I will not answer your call as I am not in the mood. You have every right to yell at me for not answering your call. Your freedom of expression will be respected. Bye.
- Hi, you have reached the personal number of [insert name]. Please leave your name and message after the beep if it’s essential. Even if you don’t have anything important to say, I would appreciate it if you did say something nice about me that would make my day. Bye.
Short Voicemail Greetings
- Hi, No one is available at the moment. I apologize for the inconvenience. Take care.
- Hi, I am not available at the moment. Please leave your name, number, and message. Bye.
- Hi, I cannot pick up your call at the moment. Please leave your name and number. Bye.
General Voicemail Greeting Examples
- Hi, Please leave your number, name, and reason for calling. I will contact you soon. I appreciate your time and patience. Bye.
- Hi, I am not available to receive your call at this time. Please leave your message after the beep. I appreciate your time in making the call. Thank you.
- Hello, [Insert name]. I cannot pick up the call at the moment. Please call back later. You can also leave a message after the beep. Bye.
We have listed some good voicemail greetings you can use to record a voicemail message. The most important thing to remember is to create short voicemail greetings. In addition, you must create a professional voicemail greeting. It is essential to make a positive impression on the callers.
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The voicemail message sample in this blog will serve as an inspiration for creating the best professional voicemail greetings. You can use the voicemail greetings sample to create your voicemail greeting script.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q #1) How should you create a voicemail greeting?
Answer: When recording a voicemail, you should sound upbeat. It is also essential to speak with a smile on your face.
Q #2) Should you say your name in your voicemail
Answer: You should never use your full name in a voicemail. It is essential since scammers can steal the recording to carry out fraudulent activities. Consider using only your first name in the message.
Q #3) How can I make a personal voicemail greeting using the Google Voice App?
Answer: The Google Voice app can create a personalized voice greeting. Here are the steps to develop and change voicemail greetings using the app:
Step #1: Tap the Google Voice app, and tap Menu at the top left.
Step #2: Next, tap on Settings, and then tap Voicemail Greetings.
Step #3: Record your greeting, and then tap stop.
Step #4: To change the greeting, select tap Menu, Settings, and then Voicemail greetings. You can delete and record new custom messages.
Q #4) How do you greet someone on the phone professionally?
Answer: You should begin your greeting with the message “Hi, thank you for calling.” You should avoid saying “Good Morning” or “Good Afternoon,” as callers generally call at any time of the day.
Q #5) What are informal greetings?
Answer: Some of the words that can be used in informal greetings include ‘What’s up?’, ‘Howdy,’ ‘G’day mate,’ and ‘Hiya!’.
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