DevOps Automation: Best Practices And Benefits

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Automation is an essential part of DevOps, yet how do you put automation right into a technique to progress the goals of DevOps? Let’s answer that concern.

In this blog site, we check out the following:

What is DevOps?

DevOps is a set of the finest methods and functioning techniques for the software development procedure with the ultimate objective to reduce and optimize the growth lifecycle and support techniques such as continuous integration, constant distribution, and constant implementation (CI/CD).

In today’s service atmosphere, DevOps teams and website reliability designers must be able to provide features and updates at a high-frequency rate, supplying short turn-around times while keeping the stability of the production atmosphere.

Central to the DevOps society and ideology is the concept that cross-functional item groups, geared up to establish and run their software application attributes, ought to be the ones to deliver them. This notion is detained by the common DevOps concept: “You Develop It, You Run It.”

In the past, software developers would construct a new function and pass it on to an IT operations group to figure out exactly how to examine, run, support, and maintain the function.

In DevOps, the cross-functional team expected to handle tasks from design to manufacturing with input from developers as well as IT Ops

It removes knowledge silos between software development and IT Ops groups, resulting in lower downtime and quicker releases with fewer bugs.

What is DevOps Automation?

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DevOps automation is the technique or self-control of using specialized software tools and approaches to automate repeated and manual jobs throughout the software development lifecycle.

Why Is DevOps Automation Crucial?

For DevOps groups, automation is a central concept that enhances all various other DevOps principles. It “gets the robot out of the human” and promotes far better collaboration and communication by permitting employees to automate repetitive and routine tasks to ensure that they can spend more time collaborating with each other and much less time doing tedious manual work.

It also promotes observability, enhancement, and shift-left methods by ensuring specific smooth and consistent processes. As well as it goes hand-in-hand with declarative configuration management.

What Are The Benefits Of DevOps Automation?

Automation provides various benefits that make it much easier to accomplish the objectives of DevOps.


When procedures are highly automated, they are also constant and also predictable. A software automation tool will constantly make the same point until it is reconfigured to do or else. The same is not valid for manual processes prone to human error.


Automation indicates that processes like code assimilation and application deployment happen quicker. It is valid for two primary factors.

Initially, there is no need to wait on a human to be all set before a process can start. By hand deploying a new launch at 2 a.m. may not be feasible when you rely upon a human to perform the procedure. With automation tools, there is no delay.

Secondly, Automated procedures often tend to be carried out quicker. A developer who manually deploys a new release will undoubtedly need to evaluate the atmosphere, type out configurations, verify that they successfully deployed the latest version, and so forth. In contrast, an automation tool can execute these operations almost immediately.


Automation is the mother of scalability. Typically, procedures that can be handled by hand can not be carried out manually at scale.

For example, you can manually deploy new releases when handling just one application and one manufacturing atmosphere. However, when your group is managing numerous applications and releasing them to multiple environments (such as more than one cloud or various os), your capability to release new code rapidly and constantly becomes very challenging.

Which Processes Should I Automate In DevOps?

There are many processes and techniques that go into DevOps, and they vary from one company to another. In an optimal world, you would automate every little thing, yet in reality, you frequently need to pick what to prioritize when developing automation.

This choice is different for every DevOps team, indeed. DevOps experts adhere to a procedure for efficient software development that leverages software devices (e.g., Kubernetes and Docker) to optimize each process phase. Below, we detail some typical tasks that can be made more efficient through DevOps automation.


In the planning phase, DevOps groups establish the business and application demands for a product or function. It consists of event demands, creating a release plan, setting a protection plan and requirements, and determining what metrics will be utilized to measure performance. Additionally, feedback is gathered from stakeholders and customers, and product plans to guide future development.

The tools most generally used in this stage are Jira, GitHub, GitLab, iRise, Asana, Atlassian, and Azure DevOps.


In this stage, a private developer grabs a body of work in the planning phase and executes it in code and configuration artifacts. The developer utilizes a source code repository to check, evaluate, and change code. The source code repository manages the different versions of code that are signed in, so developers do not write over each other’s jobs.

Tools most commonly utilized in this phase are Git, GitLab, Subversion, Cloudforce, and TFS.


In this stage of the pipeline, code from the source code repository is compiled in the executable artifacts, after which a collection of automated tools and regression tests are run to ensure the executable code prepares to be deployed.

Groups use metrics to determine code top quality and performance, develop performance, and other techniques before marking the item or feature as a candidate for launch. Automating the development process is one of the most vital ideal methods for constant assimilation.

Groups need the capability to initiate a complete build script that compiles binaries and creates documentation, websites, and statistics.

Popular devices during this phase consist of GitLab, GitHub, and CFEngine.


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Software confirmation intends to manage the quality of feature deployments into production. It consists of software testing and validation exercises, including unit tests, acceptance and regression testing, security and vulnerability evaluation, configuration testing, and efficiency measurement.

This phase of the development life process uses test automation devices and static security analysis applications.

Automated self-testing should be worked on every development to ensure that the source code functions as expected. When a mistake is discovered, it can be detected and fixed with debugging, or developers can return to a secure code version while losing a marginal amount of adjustments.

Launch As Well As Deploy

When a new attribute has passed verification, it is ready for launch. The last action is to package the launch, called “staging.” It consists of methods such as bundle setup and might involve an authorization process integrating feedback from managers or executives.

DevOps groups use package management software, such as JFrog’s Artifactory and ProGet, to facilitate launch staging and holding.

Releasing the latest software update or feature means releasing that function in a production environment where individuals can access it. DevOps teams must collaborate their launches with various other function launches while ensuring that backups are in the area to restore the system if the release triggers a system failure.

Some DevOps groups might automate the process utilizing arranged or timed launches. The best-known vendors of launch management software include IBM, BMC Software Application, and VMWare.

The software development process does not end with the launch to production, as additional setups might be needed to enhance efficiency. These tasks can include application or data storage space provisioning, network provisioning, and general arrangement of the release.

DevOps groups use the Infrastructure-as-Code tool and arrangement automation to streamline this procedure with notable tools such as Ansible, Chef, and Otter.

Monitor And Run

When a release has been configured and optimized, it must be monitored for efficiency and security to recognize its effect on the end user. Groups are in charge of keeping an eye on the performance of the IT framework, determining user experience using pre-defined metrics, and catching production stats to ensure the attribute is functioning correctly.

Keeping track of all the parts of a fast-moving DevOps environment is hard to do by hand, at scale.

Automation tools that can monitor schedule, performance, or security problems and create alerts based upon them aid in solving this obstacle. Sumo Logic supplies a premium tool that leverages machine learning to help DevOps teams promote effective application surveillance in the production environment.

What Are The Best Techniques For DevOps Automation?

Keep engineers in the loophole

In practice, automating every facet of a DevOps pipeline is not feasible. Automation in DevOps doesn’t get rid of engineers from the picture entirely. Also, the best-automated DevOps procedures need human oversight and treatment when things go wrong, or something requires to be updated.

Yet teams should strive to automate whenever and anywhere feasible because automation lessens dependency on human beings for managing standard, reoccurring tasks within a DevOps technique.

Unify the DevOps toolchain

Pipeline variety and also toolchain fragmentation prevent exposure and make the procedure of providing software progressively complex. High fragmentation across various tools and groups provides no straightforward means to centrally determine and optimize the efficiency of the software shipment pipeline in real time.

Each tool gives context regarding its performance but does not conveniently share data making it challenging to understand how your company operates comprehensively.

By unifying the presence of the software development pipeline, Sumo Logic allows teams to determine, standardize, and continuously enhance their software development and delivery efficiency in real-time. We prolong observability to software program growth pipes.

We enable development companies to continually benchmark and optimize their software shipment performance by immediately associating data across their CI/CD pipes. Our service integrates with leading cloud advancement devices consisting of AWS, Azure, GCP & Jira, GitHub, Bitbucket Jenkins, PagerDuty, Opsgenie, and much more.

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It can be set up in a few     minutes to aid groups to   collaborate better and launch secure, high-quality code faster. We   take advantage of the KPI method created by the DevOps  Research Study    and Assessment (DORA) company   to immediately   acquire    industry-standard metrics     backed by actionable insights and raw logs especially made to give groups complete presence and   observability of the whole DevOps lifecycle.

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DevSecOps is the philosophy of integrating security techniques within the DevOps procedure. DevSecOps creates a ‘Security as Code’ society with continuous, adaptable partnerships between release developers and security teams. The DevSecOps movement, like DevOps itself, is concentrated on producing new solutions for advanced software development processes within an agile structure.

DevSecOps is a natural and essential action to the traffic jam effect of older security models on the contemporary constant delivery pipeline. The objective is to bridge traditional spaces between IT and security while ensuring quick, secure code delivery. Silo thinking is replaced by increased interaction and shared responsibility for security tasks throughout all stages of the delivery procedure.

Integrating DevSecOps provides better top-quality and also more secure software programs. Additionally, DevSecOps can assist in speeding up software delivery as security becomes part of the development and is not performed later.

Sumo Logic allows SOC groups to completely automate the triage, investigation, and resolution of threats. It also makes it possible to enhance SecOps productivity by automating repeated jobs, releasing your experts to concentrate on more important jobs. Our open integrations approach simplifies running complete case feedback lifecycle management and substantially increases the mean response time (MTTR).

DevOps Automation Examples

Instances of automation in DevOps consist of:

  • Infrastructure-as-Code tools can immediately set up software settings based on configuration management files created beforehand.
  • Release automation suites can develop, test, and release new variations of an application.
  • Automated testing frameworks can evaluate precisely how a new version of an application behaves to establish if it satisfies pre-defined high-quality thresholds.
  • Instantly codify workflows that improve the discovery of zombie IT cloud infrastructure as well as address it before it becomes a drain on the IT spending plan.
  • If your organization keeps sensitive data in the cloud, cloud automation tools can assist you in setting up version control for workflows where that data is used. It permits your company to demonstrate to regulatory authorities that the same secure arrangement was utilized each time the data was accessed or changed.

Data backup is not constantly a top priority until you seriously require one. With automation, IT operators can set up data back-ups automatically throughout off-hours with no hand-operated processes.

Final Thought

When it pertains to automating log monitoring and also analysis, they use an option made especially for the needs of DevOps. They provides the capacity to work at any scale and with any application or framework. It likewise supplies setups that are repeatable and multiple-use, as well as integrates with a selection of various other standard DevOps devices.

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