Automated Regression Testing: A Comprehensive Guide

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Every day, we get software updates that increase the performance of the application, reducing the response time, creating more of an engaging user experience (UI), or fixing bugs.

However, if these updates aren’t thoroughly tested before they are released, they could affect the software’s functionality and cause problems for users. That is why it is crucial to test the product thoroughly to ensure that any modifications to the code don’t adversely alter or disrupt the current operation of the software or application.

Regression testing on a computer is performed to ensure that any changes made to code are not causing an adverse impact on current application features. It makes sure that the applications function properly when new enhancements, bugs, and features are made prior to their release.

Suppose a lot of changes have been made to the functionality that was originally built. In that case, regression testing may be carried out on a new version to verify that the program is still functioning as intended after the modifications have been implemented. It is referred to in the context of the verification technique, which is the most common method. The time tests are performed using computer software.

What is Automated Regression Testing?

The automated regression test is a software test method that assures that apps perform as they should after they have been upgraded with new code, enhancements, or new features.

In the software regression testing method, this type of automation is usually utilized to automate the implementation of scripts, workflows, plans, and various other tasks.

When you are performing automated regression testing, it’s typical to conduct some preliminary research about the testing requirements for software as well as the test method and any changes implemented to the software and its capabilities.

Automated regression testing encompasses a variety of processes, such as testing the processes to make sure that the software was properly compiled following the update, evaluating the workflow, and finding functional issues. The support services are examined to find out if any issues might have occurred in the course of updating.

Automated regression tests have to be repeated many times to find out any issues in the design. Repeating these steps assures that each test case is thoroughly tested and everything is working exactly as it was intended to.

How to Automate Regression Testing

It is essential to ensure that tests for regression are conducted perfectly and that the results and tests are appropriately documented. Automation of the process of testing regressions is vital. It reduces time spent in numerous phases of the testing process, including regression testing, documenting, and various other analyses.

Automated jobs typically are completed in a shorter time and produce superior results when compared to manual tasks.

To cut down on time and cost, You can utilize an application to automate your testing of regression. This application has a wide range of helpful features like the ability to test in parallel ( so you can speed up testing), sophisticated testing reporting (so you can find and fix flaws by analyzing the root), rich artifacts, and the capability to accommodate more complicated automation scenarios.

To automate regression testing at high speed, the application also supports testing on virtual devices as well as actual iPhones and Android devices, as well as various web browsers and operating systems.

The availability of these devices will ensure that your app will work with all operating systems and all smartphones with no issues.

It is all you have to do is design the test cases, and they’ll run automatically. You can run them as many times as you want without difficulty to identify any issues in your code or build that you are able to fix in the shortest time possible.

Why Use Automated Regression Testing?

Automated testing tools will create numerous tests for you as you’re trying to find the root of any issue. After that these automated created tests could serve as a base advantage to identify regressions problems and inefficient performing sections of code. Tests should be conducted regularly so that it is easy to identify and fix issues.

There is a chance that you will have to run regression tests again. Automated software allows you to perform this task quickly and efficiently. They will provide you with the results regardless of whether tests are running across multiple devices at the same time. They also offer analysis reports that are exceptionally detailed to assist you in identifying issues and fixing the issues as soon as you can.

Regression Testing and Configuration Management

Management of configuration is the method of aligning a device’s performance as well as its physical and functional attributes with its requirements in terms of design, functionality, and style and then maintaining those properties as time passes.

With the help of techniques for configuration management, it is possible to ensure that these elements are managed carefully throughout the life cycle of the product and project.

Management of configurations is vital when it comes to tests for regressions in Agile environments, as patches and codes are often released across the SDLC. To ensure that the correct regression testing is conducted, the following steps should be adhered to.

  • In the phase of deployment, it is important to pick a date when the program will be released: So, during the testing phase for regression, it is imperative that any modifications to the code do not occur or should not be allowed since they could alter the tests and lead to inaccurate results.
  • Regression test cases must be designed in that it is not affected by changes that developers make in the course of development. Any modifications that are made by the developers could cause false positives to be created through the application.
  • If tests for regression are conducted, a separate database must be constructed specifically for testing: If not, multiple objects performing various tasks could take a lock on the properties associated with the database, leading to interruptions to the test. Additionally, any updates must be prevented during the test.

What is the Difference among Retesting and Regression Testing?

As mentioned previously, Regression testing is conducted to make sure that any modifications to code or software don’t have a negative impact on the performance of the software or application.

Retesting is done following the time an issue has been discovered in an application, and the fix is implemented to verify that the problem has been patched successfully. When it comes to testing software, We ensure that test cases that failed during the initial testing are fixed.

Let’s talk about the distinctions between Regression testing and Retesting.

Regression Testing


It is a type of software testing that can be used to verify that any updates made to the software haven't had any negative impact on the program.

It's used to make sure that test cases that had previously failed were rectified.

In the process of regression testing, There are no issues or verifications conducted. Instead, it verifies that the modifications to the code do not cause the software to fail.

In the retesting process, defects tests are performed to determine the failure of tests.

Only tests that pass the initial test are correlated to regression testing.

Retesting can only be performed for cases of the test that failed the first attempt.

Regression testing investigates the possibility of unanticipated negative consequences.

Testing ensures that the initial issue has been fixed.

It is possible to complete it either in manual or automatic mode.

There's only one way to go about it: by hand.

Cases When You Should Automate Regression Testing

There are a myriad of scenarios where the automated testing of regression is necessary. Here are a few of the most common scenarios to automate regression tests.

Repeatable Automated Regression Tests

To make sure that the results derived from regression testing are valid, all test cases have to be run multiple times. It is referred to as regression testing. Testing using automation tools makes it easy to test cases repeatedly.

A company that regularly makes changes to its codebase will be unable to carry out regression testing on its own because it can take an enormous amount of time and consume a lot of resources. A company employs automated regression testing in order to save these resources, which results in a significant decrease in both effort and time.

Immediate Feedback Without Human Supervision

Teams typically use a waterfall SDLC method, which implies that regression testing occurs at the final stage of the course. The teams that use this method will benefit by introducing automated processes. It will enable them to get more accurate feedback and to deploy software in a faster time than would otherwise be feasible.

The absence of human oversight in tests that are automated decreases the amount of time needed to test. This method is able to do this while providing a lot of feedback to teams without affecting the actual testing session.

24×7 Testing is Possible

The tests are automated, meaning there is no requirement for an individual to be behind a laptop to run the tests. Testing could be executed with in 24 hours. The tests can be scheduled to be conducted when your team is away from the office, usually late at night. So when the team arrives early in the morning, the report, as well as findings, will be ready to be reviewed, and the team will be able to perform the necessary adjustments in working hours.

Testing can be carried out in a standard manner. It guarantees that the tester has vast knowledge regarding the application and weaknesses before they are able to communicate with the final users and be in a position to implement solutions quickly.

Reusing Tests

Regression test cases must be documented, as you’ll have to refer to them at some point in the near future. Utilizing a tool that has an extensive repository for keeping every step makes it possible to duplicate the process for other projects with a minimum of editing time.

Automated Regression Testing Best Practices

Update Regression Test Cases Regularly

Regression tests should be revised frequently to ensure that the test plan is kept up to date with the latest version of the software.

Re-Run Successful Test Cases

When software is regularly updated, it is essential to run all tested cases that were successful to make sure that the application continues to work as expected. Because the functionality of the software may be altered due to the changes, it’s important to run tests again to ensure that there aren’t any new problems.

Categorizing Tests

It is essential to organize tasks within the company so that they can perform their duties in a manner that is efficient and effective. Even if tests fail, knowing the category that the test falls in will make it easier to determine the root of the issue.

Bottom Line

The automated regression test is an effective method to ensure that any of the latest software updates don’t disrupt the functionality of an application that is already in use. Apart from being very efficient in time, the automated regression tests give a thorough explanation of the test failure that needs to be corrected.

You can choose to test on a variety of platforms simultaneously. It may save a lot of time, resources, and money, allowing software updates to be made available in a timely manner. Also, since they’ve been tested on a variety of platforms, they’ll work perfectly on the user’s devices.

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