Best SEO Writing Tools to Earn More Traffic From Google

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Are you ready to begin creating content that is ranked? Below are 25 tools for SEO-friendly writing that can assist you in writing more appealing content for your target audience and search engines.

Despite the fact that today Google is more aware of us than it ever has (that is true for everyDay, in fact), writing content that ranks is more than just writing good copy. You’re still required to create a great copy.

Also, do your research on competitor and keyword searches as well as optimize the HTML tags. You should also utilize schemas. The list of suggestions goes on up to 700 points.

Read More: The Best Content Optimization Software in 2023.

The tools provided here can help you keep on top of all moving components. Each tool listed here is a reliable ally that will take charge of optimizing your content and readability or both simultaneously.

All-In-One SEO and Writing Tools

He are best all in one SEO and writing tools. These are as follows-

1# SEMrush Writing Assistant

semrush writing assistant


SEMrush is among the most important components of the SEO market generally. The Writing Assistant, in their software, type in the keywords you’d like to rank for, then begin typing your message.

SEMrush breaks down your text into four main areas:

  • SEO
  • Originality
  • Tone of voice
  • Readability

Then, it provides suggestions on how you can enhance each of these components. Writing Assistant draws on SEMrush’s powerful SEO resources to offer optimization tips.

From reminding you to include the words you want to rank for in your title or suggesting additional keywords that can be used to enhance your text, you taken care of.


Certain functions of the Write Assistant are accessible at no cost. To get some help writing better copywriting and detailed SEO information, you’ll require a Guru plan that costs $199.95/mo.

2# Yoast’s Real-Time Content Analysis

yoasts real time content analysis


Yoast is by far the largest SEO-related plugin for WordPress in the market at the moment. Their SEO tool for content creation combines an array of SEO-related advice and writing tools.

Similar to SEMrush’s Writing Assistant, It’s a cloud-based service, meaning you can log in at any moment and begin writing. In contrast to Writing Assistant, however, Yoast gives you free SEO-related advice that is aplenty.

With Yoast’s Real-Time Content Analysis, you can make and modify your ideal meta description and title and then instantly observe how they appear on search engine results.

In conjunction with a few integrated analyses of the page, It is among the most effective tools to perform on-the-fly editing and analysis of the text.


The Real-Time Content Analysis feature of Yoast is completely free. The process of calculating an SEO Content Score with Yoast won’t cost you a dime, and you’re capable to use it whenever you want.

3# The WebSite Auditor Content Editor

website auditors content editor


Content Editor, as it is known, functions as a text editor augmented by features of SEO that are available in WebSite Auditor. When you’re writing your next web page, you’ll be able to learn some essential SEO tips.

When you fill out your meta description and title, You will receive an example SERP. You’ll be capable to see the way the title and the Meta description will appear and see the way your top niche competitors complete their descriptions. This way, you’ll be able to modify your HTML tags to adhere to the most effective SEO best practices.

There’s always a keyword counter accessible, which allows you to check whether you’ve used all your keywords of interest.

The web page you’re writing on is being continuously inspected for SEO issues on the page. You’ll be confronted with the issues you’ve missed and the most effective solutions to them.

In addition, since the research of competitors is essential to effective content creation, You’ll also get an automatically curated and adjustable list of your niche competitions on the ready.


As a module of WebSite Auditor, Content Editor is incorporate in the free version of the program.

Tools to Just the ‘SEO’ Part

4# KWFinder



KWFinder is among the tools that put SEO within “SEO Writing”. The reason it is a fantastic tool for researching keywords isn’t just the fact that it offers a variety of keywords.

The best part is that it would give you with in-depth details about keywords, such as exact search CPC prices and how the popularity of the keywords you choose has changed over time.

It also provide you an idea of the present SERP for your search term and gives you a chance to copy the SEO strategy of the top.


The basic plan costs $49/month for 100 keyword searches per day; Premium is $69/month for 500 keyword, and Agency will be charged a cost of $129 per month for 1,200 keywords per day. There’s also a 10-day free trial period available.

5-9: Viable Alternatives that Work

If, based on cost or convenience, you’re looking to choose something different, Answer the Public is a great alternative that earns all the points for style.

For less-frequent keyword research, A great tool is Keyword Sheeter which provides you with tons of suggestions for keywords and charges only for the details of the keywords.

To get data, look to Ubersuggest or the rather costly Keyword Eye.

If you’re looking for an idea of keywords built on what you currently have a high rank in Bing, You might want to check out the Keyword WordStream.

10# Keyword Density Checker

keyword density checker


Small SEO Tools Keyword Density Checker was specifically designed to assist us in avoiding the traps associated with keyword stuffing.

The tool manage in a very simple way by allowing you to add text (up to 2000 characters) or URLs. The program then will run the website it’s looking at through the program and provides you with a comprehensive report of how you can improve your SEO writing.

You can see an summery of the most frequently used keywords and the place they appear in the HTML tags.

In addition, the keywords you’ve employed will be listed alongside the density to ensure that you can stay clear of overcrowding your website and triggering penalties.

It will help you reconsider the content of your website “about” for the view of search engines by eliminating keywords with high density and stealing your desired keyword” thunder.


The Small SEO Tools’ Keyword Density Checker is completely free to anyone.

11-14: Viable Alternatives

Check out using the WordCounter Tool. It operates the same way as Keyword Density Checker; only you can type as large as you want. There is no limit of 2500 characters.

Another excellent tool for improving your SEO writing skills is IMN’s Onscreen Optimizing tool.

The tool also has other advantages by providing an overview of your page’s link profile and access to your site’s HTML code from within the application.

It is possible to pair it to the web’s title and Description checker and SEOscout’s Gooogle SERP Simulator. These are both free tools that allow you to see the way your website’s meta description and title will appear on the SERP.

Tools to Just the Writing Part

15# Grammarly



Grammarly doesn’t need any introduction. It would be unjust to ignore it when discussing the most effective tools that can help you improve your writing.

If you require a complete spelling-checker, writing assistant, and grammar expert in one integrated package, this should be the primary tool in the SEO toolbox for writing.

When you’re making a new page or rewriting one, you already have Each piece of text you write must be checked using Grammarly.


You are able to utilize of this version for free.

If you want to examine your work for plagiarism and to have your writing goals stored in your account, you might prefer to upgrade to your premium subscription. It will result in a cost of $29.95/mo.

16-20 Viable Options

A more affordable tool that covers a lot of the same ground includes ProWritingAid.

With an AI dedicated to improving your grammar, you’ll be writing more powerful texts within a matter of minutes.

And if the thing you’re missing the most with Grammarly’s version for free, Grammarly includes the ability to check for plagiarism, go towards PaperRater or Copyscape. They are the two top plagiarism checkers.

You could also use ginger. It’s a grammar-checking tool which also assists you in translating the text into any of the 40 languages available.

If you’re confident in your grammar and need help with your vocabulary, try SpellCheck Plus.

21# Hemingway App



It makes your writing more sharp and crystal clear.

That’s it.

In spite of the fact Hemingway himself often employed lengthy and windy sentences, His legacy is still cherished as a concise master.

Hemingway App is about making your text more understandable. It can provide you with synonyms and will check your use of passive voice and overall make your text as clear as it can be.


The web-based version of Hemingway is cost-free.

If you’d like a desktop application, you’ll need to pay $19.99. The app will also allow you to publish when you’re done writing.

22-25: Viable Alternatives

A fantastic tool developed for students but anyone could use is Slick Write. It has an efficient associator module, which gives an abundance of possible connections for every word.

The best overall readability apps include the Read-Able along with Airstory.

The first test your content against a range of metrics for readability. However, the latter has fewer metrics; however, it is a fantastic free tool to create content.

Language Tool is yet another tool that can improve your reading and add an added twist. In addition, you have a browser add-on which is extremely useful for copywriters of every type.

Wrapping Up 

Today, the majority of content creation is SEO-based content creation. The writing must be SEO-friendly. The process of creating a clear and efficient copy today goes along with optimizing it.

The demands of search engines are already beginning to match the actual needs of users. It is the reason the care for both aspects of SEO writing is crucial in creating high-ranking and selling content.

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