Best Financial Services Website Design Examples

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As a member of the financial services industry, you assist people in starting exciting aspects of their lives through credit cards, preserving their finances, and making smart financial choices that benefit them. Finding a way to communicate and the things that you do on your website can seem like a huge task, but it does not need to be.

What is Financial Services Website Design?

This particular area of Web design is concentrated on creating seamless experiences tailored to the requirements of potential and current clients of financial advisors, firms, and clients.

We’ve compiled eleven of the most innovative examples of what an excellent financial services web design should be.

You can keep your brand and messaging more professional or give it the tone of a trustworthy financial adviser. There’s all the motivation and concepts you require in these cases ahead.

Morgan Stanley

Morgan Stanley

Simple, clean design that you can find the information you need quicker

Morgan Stanley is one of the top banks in the United States. It was founded in 1935. With its headquarters in New York City, this investment bank has such an impressive history that it isn’t like putting out many bells and whistles in its website design. Let’s take a look.

Clean User Experience

Morgan Stanley’s homepage needs background colors and instep displays immaculate white. The site is additionally light on graphics and incorporates them as it were when they emphasize the significance of the data or include the human component to finance.

Basic Ways to Urge Where You’d Like to Go

On Morgan Stanley’s site, you’ll be able to browse a webpage to discover all its services, including research, investment management, sales and selling, monetary markets, venture banks, and wealth management.

All those menus may be difficult to clean. Never the less, they’re nothing but messy.

Within the “What We Offer” drop-down list, Morgan Stanley records its services within the sub-menu. You’ll be able to click on any sub-menu and discover more data within the box to the proper before clicking.

Convenient Client Logins

The clients’ logins are at any Morgan Stanley website’s best right corner. They incorporate Matrix logins, Research Portal, StockPlan Connect, and Morgan Stanley Online. Select a user from the drop-down as well as then sign in.

Adison Partners

Adison Partners

Modern, vibrant graphics and animations

The next is Adison Partners, which is described as a “boutique consultancy firm for talent management” which focuses on “uncommon people.” Because of their unconventional design, you’d expect an investment services web design to be just captivating, and Adison Partners impresses.

Cohesive Color Scheme

It takes a few seconds after landing on the Addison Partners’ website to learn about their color scheme, which is vibrant, rich violet, and teal blue. Most of their designs and backgrounds are displayed in teal with purple text.

A vibrant mix of colors will entice even the most curious user and make them want to stay for a while.

Smoothly animated Elements

Addison Partners’ use of animated elements adds to the appeal of its website style. The homepage features pictures depicting people (in the signature purple) who can shift and are cut.

You’ll witness the same result on this page when you go through the menu bar on our site.

Great Mobile Receptiveness

The mobile components found on Addison Partners’ website load cleanly and neatly, and quickly.

There are only a few things that look off-color and make browsing their site on mobile devices as much of an experience as it is on desktop computers.

Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs

Many centuries of history, but none of the noise

Another big financial company with a great website we will write about is Goldman Sachs. Since 1869, Goldman Sachs has been a reputable financial services company with expertise in investment banking, security underwriting, prime brokerage, investment management, asset management, and securities.

Here’s a review of their website and what it does.

Cleared Navigation

Like Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs is a storied institution with a long historical significance and additional services. The menu layout is on the left of their website, rather than the right side, with three lines indicating the menu drop-down.

If you click on the drop-down menu, you’re taken to a list of categories, including Our Firm and What We Do, Insights, Citizenship, Careers, Investor Relations, and Media Relations. It is the same place you’ll locate Goldman Sachs’ client logins.

Each menu contains sub-dropdowns for you to explore by clicking on the menu once. Text in black against the white of the menu makes this essential element of the site clean and user-friendly.

Mobile Previewing

It is a unique feature of Goldman Sachs’ website that you could consider including on your personal. Instead of forcing you to go to your tablet or smartphone to input the web address and check out the mobile site in this manner, Goldman Sachs has a mobile preview function available on their desktop website.



Simple and effective branding

KeyBank is a KeyCorp affiliate; KeyBank is a Cleveland, Ohio-based bank and regional banking institution. KeyBank is one of the top 20 banks in the United States, so their website is worth checking out. Here are the features we considered to be the most notable.

Branding throughout

KeyBank is a simple but powerful logo: a Key. KeyBank’s logo is featured on its main page and every subpage. It includes What Financial Wellness? and Banking 101 is.

Another way to create the brand’s cohesion is the gray, red, and white color scheme used throughout.

The Handy Search characteristic

If you’d prefer to only go through some menus and navigation, the search bar is at the top of any page on the website of KeyBank. It states, “I am looking for …” by default,” but once you begin typing, that message is erased.

You can also sort your search results to discover the perticular details you seek.

Runway Growth Capital

Runway Growth Capital

Modern design and clear Calls-To-Action

Runway Growth Capital is a top enterprise debt service provider that has done a fantastic job in demonstrating the people they are, the work they’ve completed, and how they can assist you. Many aspects of their financial services web design work well, including using proof-of-concept, positive stories, powerful calls-to-action, and other things.

The perfect CTA Placement

The Runway website immediately draws users’ attention with its prominent “Let’s Connect” CTA in its homepage’s center. In addition to that CTA, Runway provides alternate ways to sign up through their site, like downloading an information document, signing up for their newsletter, and contacting the team directly.

Color Scheme

Elegantly using neon greens creates a beautiful accent color highlighting important information on the site. Runway Growth has a very established brand that helps the website feel connected.

Interactive Elements

Runway entices the user by providing interactive elements throughout the site.

A background video and animated image grab users’ attention when visitors arrive. The site’s small elements, like easy blur-in effect and motion effects when hovering, make this a more lively site.



Designing a banking website is easy.

While it’s a relatively new organization that started the year 2009, NerdWallet is making an impressive name for itself over time since. NerdWallet’s tone differs from other financial services we’ve covered. Let’s dive deeper into their website now.

Friendly Tone

The team at NerdWallet is determined to help you manage your money easier. They simplify what can be a complicated subject by keeping their documentation effortless and easy to use. They have also categorized their services on the home page by letting you select the areas you require assistance money without searching. There are options for savings, personal loans, student loans, mortgages, insurance, investing, and credit cards.

Top-Down with Organized Navigation

With all the services within the same umbrella, the site of NerdWallet may need to be more cohesive if they streamline its menu. However, there is a better situation. The menu on the website is located at the top left corner of the page and has drop-downs for each of the eight categories.

The perfect CTA Placement

The homepage of NerdWallet has a variety of CTAs you can learn from. First, the CTA is to download the application. On the home page, NerdWallet explains the app, and it offers the green CTA button that reads “Get to work.”

On the next webpage, should you plan to apply for a credit or debit card with NerdWallet, the user can select your credit score from a drop-down and the financial aspects you are most concerned about in the second drop-down. They include 0 percent, low-interest, travel, credits, rewards, and cash back. It is necessary to click the “Find cards” button (also green) to move on.

Brightwood Capital Advisors

Brightwood Capital Advisors

Visual journey +Scrolling exploration = a satisfying consumer experience

It is a financial advisory firm which is based in New York. It also has many office in Chicago, Dallas, Beverly Hills, Minneapolis and Philadelphia the moment you visit their website, Brightwood grabs you. Let’s look at the reasons why.

Oversize, Traveling Graphic

Brightwood’s homepage greets you with a tree’s logo in white against the blue background. The two Os on the words Brightwood are then expanded, leading you to the home page.

This visual trick isn’t the only one on Brightwood’s figurative sleeves. The double Os makes an infinity sign appear again while you scroll. The images appear to move along with you as you browse the site. It is surely one method to create an impression.

Scrolling Navigation

Brightwood Capital Advisors lets you navigate their site from top to bottom, slapping on the various menus as you go.

It is an effective method to save time that could appeal to your customers. Instead of clicking through an array of menus, they can scroll until they locate what they require.

Easy Accessible Menus and Logins

Of course, you’ll need to give your readers the option to choose. Brightwood’s site keeps its menu at the top of the homepage, regardless of how much or minimal scrolling you perform. Their login link stays in place, so you can easily click it anytime to sign in.

Pearl Capital

Pearl Capital

Cartoon images in a professional setting

Since the year 2010, the state of New Jersey’s Pearl Graphics has offered fintech financial advice. Its site is an example of one that is most attractive in terms of design; therefore, if you’d like to create a more creative approach to your financial services website, You could consider using Pearl Capital as an inspiration.

Fun, cartoony pictures throughout

It sticks up its website by using graphics. The homepage illustrates two businessmen and a woman looking over the city. Any of one is holding a magnifying glass because the figures are Godzilla-sized. The same image is available full-size on the Pearl Capital’s website’s about page.

The homepage is further down; Pearl Capital has an animated illustration of a superhero-like figure, white-label solutions, and syndication software. The artwork, while not serious, doesn’t affect Pearl Capital’s messages not in a way.

Easy to Access Contact Information

If you’d like to contact Pearl Capital to do business with the company, Pearl Capital makes it easy. While you move between pages, you can click on Pearl Capital’s social media links (including YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook) or click a hyperlink to their email. You’ll see Pearl Capital’s phone number between those hyperlinks so you can call them quickly.

Pangea Money Transfer

Pangea Money Transfer

A humane approach builds confidence

Pangea Money Transfer is an online service similar to PayPal, which many are already familiar with and fond of. The challenge of competing with a major brand like PayPal is a challenging task; however, Pangea can compete far better.

Here are some interesting elements from their site.

Graphics Build Trust

The Pangea website shows photos of families with close ties and smiling faces. These images inspire trust by highlighting the human aspect.

Smart CTA Placement

Pangea is working hard to turn its website users into app users. On the top of the homepage is the neon red CTA button that reads “Send funds.” The button is set just below a list of benefits for the Pangea service.

The CTA is displayed an additional time midway down the page. As you begin exploring the website of Pangea, the menu CTA on their site that says “Send Money” is now pink and invites users to click.

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BNY Mellon

BNY Mellon

Use of graphics at upscaling

The Mellon family established the Bank of New York Mellon in 1869. It is a banking services business that grew from the union among Mellon Financial Corporation and The Bank of New York..

Their vibrant website breathes new life into financial services. Let’s look around.

Eye-Catching Graphics

From the angular pictures on the homepage, with horizontal lines, to the cityscape images, office gatherings, and even actual employees on the other pages, the layout of graphics on the BNY Mellon website is stunning. The graphics are captivating With a white background, but they don’t distract you from the text or navigation.

Rich Client Login Menu

Specialized in wealth administration, assets management, and investments services, BNY Mellon has numerous diverse services. Instead of dedicating an entire drop-down for clients’ logins, the company has a complete page. It is very appropriate.

Here you can locate the login you’re searching for in categories such as wealth management services, treasury services, NEXEN services, liquidity services, deposits, foreign exchange, capital markets, corporate trust and asset servicing, and alternative investment options.



Colors and modernity that are appropriate to the target public

The final financial services web design case we will look at is Stripes. The company, based in San Francisco, was established in 2009 and provides online payment processing for large and small businesses.

Color All Over

Accessing the Stripe website is like gazing at the rainbow. The colors change and shift like the lava lamp, making the perfect homepage that can get its message across.

 Case Studies for Conversions

One method to help potential customers get them off the fence is through case studies. The bottom of Stripe’s homepage is the section on use cases that covers marketplaces, businesses and platforms, and SaaS. You can look over a few examples from these areas to discover how Stripe can work for you as a user.

Stripe also has a website listing all its current customers, including the biggest names to boost user confidence.

Wrapping Up

As a financial services firm, be it a bank, transfer platform, or investment company, You want to distinguish your company while keeping a professional look. These 11 outstanding financial services website design examples demonstrate that navigating this line is very simple. Using these examples, you can also build a website that improves conversions and increases your reach.

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