Artificial Intelligence Call Center: How is AI Used in Call Centers [+ How Will AI Impact Customer Service]

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During my study, Artificial Intelligence (AI) was a new technology I was aware of. I’ve read articles on the same technology, but what will impact businesses of all kinds of organizations, especially in the service industry?

One of the most effective ways service organizations can enhance the customer experience. And it is possible to do it in many ways.

In this blog, we’ll look at how AI is explicitly employed in call centres and what an artificial intelligence-based call centre could appear like. Before that, let’s look through the basics of what AI call centre software does.

What Is Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is the simulation of human-like intelligence processes through machines, particularly computers. Particular application areas to AI are specialist technologynatural language processing, speech recognition, and machine vision.

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Artificial Intelligence Call Center Software

AI call centre software uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to automate and enhance various tasks within a call centre. Its capabilities include voice recognition, speech synthesizing, natural language processing, sentiment analysis, and predictive analytics.

Call Center Software Solutions

The most common applications of AI call centre software are:

  • Virtual assistants
  • Chatbots that are automated
  • Feedback and customer engagement that is personalized to each customer.
  • Automated call routing for better customer service

AI software for call centres can cut costs and increase customer interaction capacity, efficiency, and speed. But how do you achieve this? These solutions will be explained in depth.

What are the ways AI is employed to help call centre operators?

  • Predictive Call Routing
  • Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
  • Conversational AI
  • Emotional Intelligence AI
  • AI-Powered Recommendations
  • Call Analytics

Let us take each one by one-

Predictive Call Routing

According to one AI survey data, 50 per cent of service reps reported the AI tools that funnel customers’ requests for assistance to the right person improve the customer experience and 40% report significant improvements in CX.

The first time I heard about the predictive routing of calls, I believed it was a technology that could send a call to a specific department. But it’s more advanced than it sounds.

Predictive call routing happens when AI matches call centre customers to customer service representatives who can best handle any issue due to the personality model or experience.

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This technology is based on profiling customer behaviour to provide AI technology with a complete understanding of the customer’s journey and the personas of customers. It means that the customer service (and the customer experience in general) can be tailored to each customer.

The software will analyze the natural preferences and habits of communication and match each inquiry with the most competent agents who can handle particular kinds of queries and customers (based on the personality of the person, their communication style, and even call history) and ensure that the tickets are resolved efficiently and quickly, freeing up time throughout the entire process.

The first step to start using this AI requires businesses to determine measures to identify the personality traits of particular agents, their average ticket time, and their expertise on specific problems.

artificial intelligence[Image: Source]

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Interactive Voice Response (IVR)

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is an AI we have interacted with in our customer service interactions. It happens when you respond to recorded questions, such as what you’re fluent in, your name, address, account number, etc. Many people aren’t a fan of this kind of AI, as we’ve had calls in which we were required to repeat the details.

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But technology continues to advance. The solution developed through Humana, IBM’s Data and AI Expert Labs helped the life insurance company transfer 60% of their more than 1 million monthly calls to AI with clear solutions.

This IVR is designed for businesses that receive many calls relating to routine, precise pre-service issues, such as hours or eligibility, copay, or bank statements, that do not require a human representative.

Since the introduction of the system since its implementation, the proportion of callers who utilize this AI-based system has risen by double, and the cost of operating it has decreased by two-thirds. Customers who call today can answer their initial query within less than two minutes. Don’t hesitate to call live agents.

Conversational Artificial Intelligence

Conversational AI is commonly referred to as chatbots in the present. In this case, an office will offer an online chat feature driven by AI. It is a vital aspect of customer support since 85 per cent of customers across the globe would prefer to chat with brands, a rise from 65% the year before.

As you can see, chatbots are now increasingly used to respond to customer service queries. Customers can easily interact with web-based content and take advantage of self-service options for support in a live setting without having to interact face-to-face with a customer service representative.

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It allows customers to solve problems on demand and ease the burden on companies’ service departments.

Chatbots’ most outstanding benefit is their ability to cut down on call volume, which means that agents working in call centres aren’t required to answer simple, repetitive questions and can focus on more challenging problems.

Conversational AI can go beyond chatbots. It can be a source of support to your staff internally.

HubSpot offers intelligent conversation software to track the team’s performance. HubSpot automates the capture of the voice data you store within your CRM and gives you more detailed insights into your calls so that you can train your team more effectively and analyze their performance.

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Emotional Intelligence Artificial Intelligence

Another type of artificial Intelligence used in call centre operations is emotional Intelligence AI, which can gauge the mood of customers when they call.

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HubSpot’s State of AI survey data revealed that 50% of the service representatives believe that AI tools that analyze the mood of customer service conversations could improve customer experience. 34% of them claim significant improvements.

For instance, if customers are unhappy and their voice is raised, they may raise it or experience an extended pause during the conversation. This kind of AI can be developed in various cultures and languages, which means it can be utilized in countries with diverse cultural and linguistic styles.

It can examine the tone of voice and the cadence of speech to discern the mood of the person calling.

The AI will also determine how often the agent interrupts a caller and the voice tone used by customers and the support representative. Then, it will provide live feedback (via pop-up messages) for the agent to gain insight into the customer’s feelings during the call.

Utilizing this technology at Cogito, customers have experienced an increase of 28% in their net promoter score.

Artificial Intelligence Powered Recommendations

As the emotional Intelligence AI mentioned above, different AI tools could provide suggestions to a customer service representative on the phone. The technology also employs sentiment analysis to determine the customer’s goal. It will then suggest the most appropriate options to the customer support representative.

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It reduces call time and gives a more personalized pleasant customer experience. The system can determine the number of times a client called or referred to cancel their account. It gives the customer a risk score so that agents know the call.

Call Analytics

One of the primary methods by which AI is utilized within call centres is that it can offer detailed analytics of call times, first resolution, call times, and much more. AI can detect patterns and access the customer’s data, providing insights into the degree to which customers are having an enjoyable or negative experience.

Because AI analyzes customer feedback tones, personality, and tone to provide better-rounded data than a human support manager.

We’ve covered how AI is utilized within call centre operations; you could be thinking, “How will AI impact my customer service team? Will it replace call centre agents?” Let’s look at it further.

Can AI be used to replace agents in call centres?

The simple answer is”no” yes “yes.

In a sense, artificial Intelligence can manage simple and repetitive calls by automating a part or the entire customer’s calls.

It benefits customer support reps by allowing them to deal with more sophisticated calls. However, it can also reduce the number of calls that live agents receive and affect the number of representatives needed in the call centre.

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Zendesk found that by 2022, 20 per cent of customer support will be handled via chat agents.

But, there will always be complex problems that AI cannot deal with. The goal of using AI within call centres is to enhance customer service and free humans of their time and energy dedicated to simple requests.

AI can assist customer support representatives in becoming more efficient and having enjoyable and satisfying conversations.

In addition, with the COVID-19 epidemic, digital purchasing and customer support have become a standard for many customers. It means that brands must adapt and continue to incorporate AI into their customer service centres.

Ultimately, AI can automate simple tasks, offer in-depth analysis, and assist agents in improving their response time, better first-call resolution, and happier customer service agents with the right tools to perform their job more effectively.

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