What Is Sanity Testing With Examples

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In the present when a company must succeed, there’s an obligation to create software that delivers a superior user experience. Thus, before software is made available, it has to be tested thoroughly.

While there are numerous stages to creating terrific software, testing is still one of the most essential actions before it is launched. Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) consists of various screening kinds, each testing kind having a different purpose.

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These testing types are generally classified right into two: Functional testing and Non-functional testing.

Functional testing includes unit testing, combination testing, system testing, smoke testing, sanity testing, and so on. This write-up covers Sanity testing, focusing on software development. Sanity testing helps the testing group in over come the complexities of functional in an application at the start of SDLC. 

What is Sanity Testing?

sanity testing[Image: source]

Surface Level Testing or Sanity Testing is a sort of testing that is done on the steady development of the software. It’s a short and crucial testing (or series of tests) to verify that the modifications to the code are working without bugs.

It is an element of Regression testing. It’s usually done following the time that the software has been able to pass the Smoke test.

Features of Sanity Testing

Some functions of Sanity testing consist of,

  • Simple: Easily designed and performed.
  • Unscripted: It is not scripted a lot of the moment.
  • Undocumented: Usually, it is not documented.
  • Deep screening: Limited functionalities are covered deeply.
  • Subset of Regression testing: Focuses on a smaller section of the application/software each time.
  • Done by testers: Testers are the ones that do the Sanity testing.
  • Comprehensive: Covers the standard evaluation of just how software acts.

Goals of Sanity Testing

The primary goals of Sanity testing are:

  • Defining the prepared attributes works as expected.
  • Saving time, intricacy, and costs in case sanity testing fails for a build.
  • Ensure the new updates don’t change the software’s existing capabilities.
  • Validating the authenticity of new components and the features.

What Is The Tasks Of Sanity Testing?

The Sanity testing procedure has the adhering to the steps:


In this action, recently added attributes and components are spotted. Also, the alteration presented in the code is spotted while bug fixing.


These freshly carried out parts and features are examined and modified to determine whether they function as planned per the given requirements.


A smaller section of the freshly linked components is analyzed deeply. The test will fail if these newly presented elements do not satisfy their requirements.

If it fulfills the requirement, the sanity test is passed. Next, system testing is carried out to make sure that these capabilities don’t affect the previously installed components of the system or application.

sanity testing

When Should Sanity Testing Be Conducted?

A sanity Test ought to be done in the following instances:

  • If there is a slight change in the code.
  • When the build is obtained after several regressions.
  • After the bug fix.
  • Before production implementation.

Let’s Recognize Sanity Testing via An Example

Consider you are developing an online store app and want to provide a 15% discount on a Black Friday sale (31 December) for your participants with an elite subscription.

Sanity tests will confirm the above:

  • Elite subscribers get a concession till 31st December.
  • Participants who include the elite membership in their orders on the 31 also get the discount.
  • Non-elite participants do not get the discount on that day.
  • No member obtains that rebate before and also after that day. 
  • Other discount vouchers can not be clubbed with this discount rate.
  • Elite members with various other deals do not obtain the Black Friday reduction.

Sanity testing cannot confirm other aspects of the application, such as distribution monitoring or online store evaluations. That is done by Regression testing and Smoke Testing, which happens before and after Sanity testing.

If Sanity testing stops working, the app is returned to the developer for restoration. Nonetheless, the app is sent for detailed System testing if it succeeds.

Advantages of Sanity Testing

A few of the benefits of Sanity Testing are:

  • It aids in quickly detecting problems in a Software application’s core performance.
  • It might be completed faster because of the lack of documentation.
  • If there are software problems discovered when conducting Sanity Testing, it is rejected, which cuts down time and effort needed for regression testing.
  • It is expensive contrasted to various other testing kinds.
  • It helps in identifying missing objects that depend on.
  • It’s used to verify a small function of the application to determine if it works according to plan or not.
  • It aids in concentrating on verifying the app’s working instead of detailed testing.
  • It is fruitful in situations where the testing time is restricted.

Disadvantages of Sanity Testing

A few of the restrictions of Sanity Testing are:

  • It covers only a few performances of the application. Concerns about uncontrolled performances can’t be recouped.
  • It only concentrates on the functions of the software.
  • Since it is unscripted Future references aren’t accessible.
  • It does not cover the design structure which makes it difficult for the team working on development to determine and address the root of any issues.

Test On Real Devices For Accurate Outcomes

Sanity Testing concentrates on figuring out whether even more testing is needed for the software. It is crucial because it helps save time and energy when there is a problem arises within the system is raised.

Sanity tests can also provide an immediate update on the stage of the launch, ensuring that the next set of actions will be planned to be done in a timely manner.

Nevertheless, evaluating actual devices and browsers is necessary, taking genuine user conditions into makeup for even more precise test outcomes. This will certainly aid in determining how the application function in real-world conditions, specifically in locating bugs.

There are many solutions that aid in performing fast Sanity Testing for web applications on genuine device-browser combinations. While these application allows you to execute Sanity testing on mobile applications throughout genuine devices on iphone and Android systems.

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