Best Practices for Building Fantastic Lead-Capture Forms

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You’ve built the perfect web page for your offer. To collect data, you need to use a Lead-Capture Form. What is a lead-capture form?

This post will teach you the advantages of lead capture forms and seven best practices to help you attract new prospects. This guide includes the following:

What is a Lead Capture Form?

The lead-capture form collects information from potential clients in exchange for content or an offer. After a visitor to your website fills out the form, you can give them access to your offer.

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Lead-capture forms help you to generate leads who download your landing pages. These forms are commonly used to promote ebooks, research reports, webinars, and case studies.

The value proposition is clear to the customer. The value proposition is so compelling that it makes them willing to give up their data in exchange for access.

Seven Best Practices to Build Lead Capture Forms

The best lead-capture form includes the same elements. The seven essential elements of your form and the best practices to generate results are explained.

Select the best position on your landing page.

No hard and fast rules exist on how to position your lead-capture forms. You’ll always want to keep your lead-capture form above the fold. The form will be prominent and easily visible without having to scroll. The visitors will know what your landing page is about immediately.

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Consider using these four positions to ensure that your lead-capture tool is the main attraction of your landing page.

Beside The Landing Page Offer

Below the fold is an example form. It’s important to note that the content on the page is not eye-catching.

The form can be placed next to the landing page copy, a good way to remind users that they will receive valuable information if they provide their basic details.

lead capture form litmus[Image:Source]

Within The Landing Page

It is best to include your form at least in three places on a long landing page. This report contains more than 1,000 words.

lead capture form within the landing page[Image: Source]

Pro tip: For example, you should include a form for lead capture after every 350 words on your landing page.

Chatbots are a great way to communicate with others.

You can also use chatbots to share your lead capture form. When you click “Get Report” on the landing page below, the form appears, asking for your email address to “Download the Full Report.”

lead capture form chatbot[Image Source]

At The Bottom of an Auto-Scroll landing page

A lead-capture page at the Bottom gives you another chance to collect visitor information. It also puts your content in the spotlight, so visitors can decide if it is worth downloading.

semrush[Image: Source]

Clicking the “Download Full Report” button will automatically scroll the visitor to the brief form at the Bottom of the page.

semrush report[Image Source]

After completing the form, users can download their content and confirm their download.

The right length of your lead capture form is important.

The length is your next and most important concern when designing forms. You can trade-off between quantity and quality by limiting the number of fields on your forms.

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Since people can easily fill out shorter forms, they usually generate more leads. Your leads generated from short forms can vary greatly in quality.

Visitors who fill out longer forms are more likely to provide detailed information about their needs. It means they have a higher purchasing intent. You may receive fewer leads, but they will be better quality.

Find a balance when creating your form between collecting the right amount of information and asking your visitors for a manageable amount of information.

Pro tip: Prospects will tune out if they see a lengthy lead capture form. Use a lead-capture process that has multiple steps to avoid this. It will give visitors an idea of how quickly they can fill out the form and get your resource.

get offer[Image Source]

Select the relevant form fields

It’s important to ask only the questions you need in order to contact your leads and qualify them.

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If you spent over $10,000 on a marketing report, you would want to get high-intent prospects from this resource. You’ll need to collect more information than just the name and email address of the person who wants to download the report.

You should know the company, their website, their role and how many employees they have. These questions allow you to gauge the fit of your employees with your company, their need for your products, and their likelihood to purchase your product. 

This information will help you decide to add the lead to your flywheel.

Pro tip: Ask as few questions as possible with your lead capture form. Your conversion rate will increase significantly. After the lead enters your funnel, you can ask them more questions.

Include your privacy policies.

You must include a privacy statement when collecting ” personally identifiable data ” (PII) in the United States and other countries, including Canada, Australia, Europe, and the European Union; PII also includes non-sensitive data, such as zip code, race and date of birth.

It would be best to make your privacy statement easily visible, regardless of where the form is located on your site. If your prospects are hesitant to share their personal information, this will put them at ease.

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There is a lead-capture form, for example, shows a privacy policy right above the button to download.

lead capture form privacy policy[Image Source]

Pro tip: Include testimonials from clients, endorsements by authorities, certifications of third-party security, or seals of guarantee next to your privacy policy. It will reduce objections from visitors who may hesitate to fill out your form.

You can change the text on your submit button

The submission button is the last component in your lead capture form. This button’s default text is “submit,” but this isn’t the best message.

How do we know this? We studied the landing pages for many users. What did we discover? The conversion rate of buttons labelled as “submit” was lower.

In this study, the top-performing variations were “click here” or “go,” with 5% to 13% more conversions than “submit.”

conversion rate by submit in lead capture form[Image Source]

Pro tip: Aside from the text on your button, Further research reveals that you can achieve amazing results if you tweak the button’s colour. Here is where A/B tests shine.

A/B test your lead capture form.

A/B testing allows you to determine the best variation for your form design, copy and calls-to-action. A/B testing allows you to improve conversions.

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Test only one element of your form at a given time. If you are testing the size, colour or shape of your submit button, do not test the length of the form simultaneously.

Send an automatic email to visitors when they submit a form.

If someone hits your submit button, whether applying for a job, downloading a resource or contacting about your service, they expect a response.

Autoresponders are a great tool for this. Take advantage of this feature. An autoresponder is a great way to start your relationship with potential customers.

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